Static Electricity Question Preview (ID: 45436)

Basic Principles Of Static Electricity. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Meily rubbed fur on one balloon and Emily rubbed fur on another balloon. When the put balloons came together, they repelled each other. Why did they repel each other?
a) One balloon has a negative charge and one balloon has a positive charge.
b) One balloon has a negative charge and one balloon has a negative charge.

Erlin rubbed fur on a balloon. When he put the balloon near LeAnn's sweater it was attracted to her sweater. Why was the balloon attracted to her sweater?
a) The balloon has a positive charge and the sweater has a positive charge.
b) The balloon has a negative charge and the sweater has a positive charge.

Alice rubs a balloon on her hair several times. She places the balloon near some pieces of paper and sees that the paper is attracted to the balloon. Why did the paper stick to the balloon?
b) The balloon has a negative charge and the paper has a positive charge.
d) She used a magnet attract them together.

When Jostin took clothes out of a dryer, he observed that a sock was clinging to a shirt. Which could cause the sock to be attracted to the shirt?
a) The sock has a positive charge and the shirt had a negative charge.
d) Brandy glued them together.

Why do your strands of hair stick up when you take off a furzy hat?
a) The strands of hair have opposite charges.
b) The strands of hair have the same charge.

When you rub your socks on carpet why do you get shocked when you touch a doorknob?
a) More electrons collected in your socks. When you touched the doorknob they jumped to the doorknob.
b) More donuts collected in your socks. When you touched the doorknob they jumped to the doorknob.

When Claudia removed clothes from the dryer, some of the socks were stuck to her pants. What could cause the clothing to stick together?
a) The socks and pants had opposite charges.
b) The socks and pants had the same charges.

What makes lightning?
a) Positive charges in the clouds move to the negative charges on the ground.
b) Negative charges in the clouds move to the positive charges on the ground.
c) Erlin

When you rub a balloon on your hair why does it stick to a wall?
a) The balloon and the wall have opposite charges.
b) The balloon and the wall have the same charges.

Why is an aluminum can attracted to the plastic rod when you rub fur on the rod?
a) The rod has a negative charge and was atracted to the positive charges in the can.
b) The rod has a negative charge and was attracted to the negative charges in the can.

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