Ancient Egypt Question Preview (ID: 45424)

Covers Unit 4. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

This ended the Middle Kingdom
a) Over spending by the Pharaohs
b) Invasion by the hittites
c) Invasion by the Hyksos
d) Gradual Decline.

This Pharaoh started the New Kingdom
a) Ahmose
b) Ramses II
c) Khufu
d) Menes

These are traders
a) Imports
b) Sellers
c) Merchants
d) Engineers.

This Pharaoh is mostly known because his tomb was discovered un-touched
a) Ramses II
b) Hatshepsut
c) Tutankhamen
d) Ahmose

These are good brought into a country
a) Imports
b) Exports
c) Merchants
d) Trade Route

These are goods sent out of a country
a) Imports
b) Exports
c) Ipod minis
d) Merchants

This is a series of people and routes used to trade.
a) Merchants
b) Trade map
c) Import
d) Trade Network

This type of monument is a rectangular pillar that ends in a point.
a) Obelisk
b) Parthenon
c) Pyramid
d) Merchant

This is a government ran by a religious leader.
a) Autocracy
b) Democracy
c) Oligarchy
d) Theocracy

This was Egypt's writing system that involved using symbols.
a) Cunneiform
b) Cryptic
c) Hieroglyphics
d) Cave Paintings

This is the practical application of scientific knowledge.
a) Architecture
b) Engineering
c) Geography
d) Geology

This is a large stone slab with the same story written in three ancient languages.
a) Rosetta Stone
b) Perry's Pyramid
c) Hammurabi's Code
d) Moses's Tablets

What geographic feature allowed humans to thrive in the middle of the Sahara desert in Egypt?
a) The sand sea.
b) Plentiful rain.
c) The Nile River
d) Pyramids

Why did Egyptians want to gain control of Kush?
a) To own more land
b) Because they were afraid Kush was getting too powerful
c) Kush was a barren wasteland
d) They had insulted the Pharaoh

Which of the following was an advantage of Egypt's geography?
a) The deserts were difficult to cross.
b) The high mountains kept invaders out.
c) There were no rivers to Float to Egypt on.
d) The dense forests hid Egypt from sight.

Which of the following WASN'T a gift of the Nile river?
a) Transportation
b) Fertile Soil
c) A source of power to run machines
d) Mud for bricks and pottery

These are rapids or waterfalls in the Nile River
a) Class 5
b) Cataracts
c) White water
d) Obelisks

This was the most famous Old Kingdom ruler.
a) Ahmose
b) Menes
c) Khufu
d) Ramses II

This period lasted for 500 years, between 2700 BC to 2200 BC.
a) New Kingdom
b) Middle Kingdom
c) Kush Rule
d) Old Kingdom

Which hominid species was the first to control fire?
a) Homo Sapien
b) Homo Neanderthal
c) Homo Erectus
d) Homo Habilis

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