Pollution - Latin America Question Preview (ID: 45405)
Environmental Issues.
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How does the Amazon Rain Forest affect where people live?
a) Due to the many natural resources of the Amazon, many people have settled in this region.
b) No people live in the Amazon because they are in fear of the Anaconda.
c) Due to isolated regions and high elevations, only a few live in the Amazon.
d) People are beginning to migrate towards the Amazon because of its fertile plains and farmland.
All are things cities in Latin America have in common except for___________.
a) Located in the mountains
b) Inequality of income
c) Smog/ pollution
d) Squatter cities
What is the main pollution problem in Mexico City?
a) Water pollution
b) Air Pollution
c) Soil Pollution
d) All answers
Which country is an example of an isthmus in Latin America?
a) Belize
b) Brazil
c) Panama
d) Argentina
What is the predominant climate in Latin America?
a) Tropical
b) Temperate
c) polar
which elevation level do most people in Latin America live in?
a) Tierra Fria
b) Tierra Caliente
c) Tierra Templada
d) Tierra Nevada
Which of the following is the pollution issue found in Brazil?
a) deforestation
b) smog
c) oil spills
d) red algae
How are the Brazilian people dealing with their specific pollution issue?
a) Teaching crop rotation
b) limiting lumber industry- cut replace program
c) teaching responsible cattle farming techniques
d) all answers
Which of the following is NOT an impact of the pollution issue in Brazil?
a) dead soil
b) loss of animals and plants
c) oxygen/ozone layer
d) slash and burn farming
Which of the following is NOT a solution to the pollution issue in Mexico?
a) Scheduled travel
b) blowing up the volcano
c) Tax breaks for people to drive hybrids
d) Regulations on Emissions
Which of the following is not a cause of the pollution issue in Mexico?
a) Cars/Trucks/ Buses
b) Location of the City
c) Over crowding
d) slash and burn farming
Which of the following are a cause of the pollution issue in Brazil?
a) Slash and burn farming
b) Cattle ranching
c) Lumber and mining
d) all answers
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