Circulatory System Review Question Preview (ID: 45379)

Review For The Circulatory System. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which system is responsible for the transport of oxygen and nutrients to all body cells?
a) digestive system
b) endocrine system
c) circulatory system
d) nervous system

What is the main function of the heart?
a) to exchange gases
b) to produce red blood cells
c) to move blood through the body

In total, how many chambers does the human heart have?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5

The circulatory system uses ______ to circulate nutrients and oxygen and remove waste.
a) water
b) blood
c) air
d) saliva

Blood contains fluid and red blood cells that carry oxygen, nutrients, and ______.
a) hair
b) sweat
c) waste
d) signals

Which blood vessel carries waste-rich blood from the capillaries back to the heart?
a) vein
b) neuron
c) vena cava
d) aorta

The tiniest blood vessels are:
a) arteries.
b) capillaries.
c) veins.
d) neurons.

The circulatory system carries oxygen from the lungs to other cells in the body and removes ______.
a) carbon dioxide
b) helium
c) nitrogen
d) hydrogen

The __________ system gets nutrients into the blood; the __________ system gets them to your cells.
a) circulatory; digestive
b) digestive; excretory
c) digestive; circulatory
d) excretory; circulatory

Which of the following is NOT a part of the circulatory system?
a) lungs
b) heart
c) veins
d) blood

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