Cell Organelles Question Preview (ID: 45360)

Cell Parts. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What part of a cell manufactures or makes proteins?
a) Mitochondria
b) Vacuole
c) Ribosomes and Rough ER
d) Golgi Body

Which cell part controls what the cell does?
a) Nucleus
b) Cell Membrane
c) Cell Wall
d) Vacuole

This cell part allows things in and out of the NUCLEUS.
a) Cell Wall
b) Nuclear Membrane
c) Mitochondria
d) Chloroplasts

Cells come from other cells is part of this.
a) Cell function
b) Cell Theory
c) Mitosis

All cells have a cell wall. Is that true or false?
a) True
b) False

Which part of the cell is the energy or power part of a cell?
a) Golgi Body
b) Rough ER
c) Mitochondria
d) Cell Wall

A transporting area of the cell. This one has no bumps.
a) Cell Wall
b) Smooth ER
c) Rough ER
d) Mitchondria

The part of a plant cell that absorbs sunlight for energy.
a) Chloroplasts
b) Vacuole
c) Cell Membrane

Why does a vacuole hold more in a plant cell than an animal cell?
a) The plant cell is smaller so it holds less.
b) Animal cells need less because they have roots
c) A plant needs extra storage because water is needed to survive.

The part of a cell that packages proteins for shipment.
a) Cell Wall
b) Golgi Body
c) Vacuole
d) ER

A substance that helps hold organelles in place.
a) Chlorphyll
b) Cytoplasm
c) Cellular Paste

A place where DNA is found in a cell.
a) Nuclear membrane
b) Chromosomes
c) Cell Wall

This cell part is in an animal cell and helps digest waste and uses an enzyme to do so.
a) Cell Membrane
b) Golgi Body
c) Lysosome

What is the code that makes you, you?
a) Protein
b) DNA
c) Hair
d) Vacuaole

What type of cell has lysosomes in it?
a) Plant Cell
b) Animal Cell

What cell part helps hold and protect a plant cell?
a) Cell Memberane
b) Nucleus
c) Vacuole
d) Cell Wall

Where do cells come from ?
a) Cells come from pre-existing cells
b) They just pop out and become cells
c) They are made by the nucleus
d) Cells develop a factory and make them.

What does the chloroplast collect?
a) water and nutrients
b) nutrients and power
c) sunlight and makes energy from it.

Why are cells the structure and function for all living things?
a) because cells move and replace organ cells
b) because all living things have different cells that do different jobs for all living things.
c) because they help matter and energy work.

What did Robert Hooke look at and call it ... Cells
a) Looked at coal chips
b) Looked at pieces of M and M's
c) Saw little blocks that looked like monk cells in a piece of cork
d) Saw cells in a piece of leather

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