SW Asia Ethnic And Religious Groups Question Preview (ID: 45310)
Test Of Ethnic And Religious Groups Of SW Asia.
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Which Ethic group is largest in SW Asia?
a) Arabs
b) Persians
c) Kurds
d) none of the above
Most Arabs practice this religion?
a) Christianity
b) Islam
c) Judaism
d) none of the above
Most Arabs speak ___
a) Farsi
b) English
c) Arabic
d) none of the above
Which ethnic group in SW Asia is trying to create its own country?
a) Kurdish
b) Persians
c) Arabs
d) none of the above
Which modern day country is home to Persians?
a) Jordan
b) Kuwait
c) Iran
d) Iraq
What language do Persians speak?
a) Arabic
b) English
c) Farsi or Persian
d) None of the above
True or False Kurdish Muslim women have less restrictions on how they can dress then Iranian and Arab women?
a) True
b) False
c) N/A
d) N/A
True or False Kurdish is an Indo -European language related to Farsi (Persian) and other Iranian languages.
a) False
b) True
c) N/A
d) N/A
True or False about half of Iran population is made up of Persians?
a) True
b) False
c) N/A
d) N/A
True or False the two divisions of Islam are Sunni Muslims and Shia Muslims
a) True
b) False
c) N/A
d) N/A
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