Europe Social Studies Review Question Preview (ID: 45208)

Unit 4 Europe Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

One way entrepreneurs influence economies in Europe is by-
a) Creating jobs
b) Conserving resources
c) Providing skilled labor
d) Expanding government regulations

Europe has a history characterized by instances of conflict and cooperation between cultures. Most recently many European nations have been working to cooperate by-
a) Isolating the United States
b) Forming the European Union
c) Reducing stockpiles of weapons
d) Limiting immigration to the region

4. Taxis, railroads, and airline flights are all examples of what type of industry?
a) Service
b) Manufacturing
c) Agriculture
d) Retail

Europe is thought of as a peninsula of peninsulas, which explains why many countries in the area:
a) The weather is cold
b) Political connections are weak
c) They depend on the sea for economic growth
d) Terrace farming is used to feed the population

2. How does the physical geography of Europe affect the distribution of goods?
a) Navigable rivers and harbors provide many European cities with trading ports.
b) Mountain barriers block roads.
c) A warm and pleasant temperature in Europe
d) Many highways have been built in Southern Europe

What is the most famous work by Leonardo Da Vinci
a) Mona Lisa
b) Stary Night
c) Water Lillies
d) Sistine Chapel ceiling

What do Leonardo Da Vinci, Claude Monet, and Vincent Van Gogh have in common?
a) creating folktales and stories
b) introducing new political ideas
c) producing master works of art
d) composing famous symphonies

2. A store such as Wal-Mart sell lots of products at the store. What type of industry would Wal-Mart be?
a) Service
b) Retail
c) Agricultural
d) Manufacturing

3. Which feature would be most characteristic of a socialist economic system?
a) Low tax ratev
b) Very few small businesses
c) State-Owned collective farms
d) Government- management healthcare

4. Traveling throughout Europe is facilitated by an extensive railroad system. The railroad system is an example of which type of industry?
a) Retail
b) Service
c) Agricultural
d) Manufacturing

2. What event caused increased cooperation in European countries in the mid 1900's?
a) The renassance
b) World War II and all of the devastation brought by it
c) Outbreak of war in parts of Asia
d) Increased economic prosperity in Rome

3. What is one effect of increased migration to Europe?
a) Less public schools were built
b) More highways were constructed
c) More taxes were created to support an increase in the number of children taught
d) Variety of restaurants built

4. What is the iron curtain?
a) a physical barrier that separates West and East Europe
b) An imaginary line that separates West and East Europe
c) A curtain that divides the stage from the audience
d) The separation of people based on race, religion, or ethnicity

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