Anatomy And Physiology - Integumentary And Skeletal Systems Question Preview (ID: 45164)

Integumentary And Skeletal Systems. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The outer layer of the skin is called
a) the hypodermis
b) the epidermis
c) the polydermis
d) the dermis

The inner layer of the skin is moistly composed of
a) connective tissue
b) epidermis cells
c) muscle
d) adipose (fat) tissue

The dermis is mainly composed of
a) connective tissue
b) epidermis cells
c) muscle
d) adipose (fat) tissue

What chemical determines the color of your skin and hair?
a) pheromones
b) melanin
c) cerumen
d) sebum

Which of the following is NOT a type of environmental damage that can occur to the integumentary system.
a) mechanical damage
b) microbial damage
c) chemical damage
d) psychological damage

Which type of burn is more severe?
a) 1st degree burn
b) 2nd degree burn
c) 3rd degree burn
d) When Mr. Barron roasts you.

How many bones are in the human body?
a) about 100 bones
b) over 200 bones
c) 187 bones
d) over 250 bones

Which of the following is NOT part of the skeletal system?
a) ligaments
b) cartilage
c) tendons
d) epidermis

The mandible is part of the
a) sternum
b) pelvic girdle
c) jaw
d) cranial bones

The part of the tooth that projects above the gums is called the
a) crown
b) root
c) aveolus
d) cementum

The femur is an example of a(n)
a) short bone
b) flat bone
c) long bone
d) arm bone

Covering the surface of almost all bones is connective tissue called
a) enamel
b) periosteum
c) epiphysis
d) diaphysis

The place where two bones meet and form a joint is called
a) articulations
b) ligaments
c) surface features
d) cartilage

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