Chapter 6.1, 6.2 Review Question Preview (ID: 45130)

Chapter 6.1, 6.2 Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Everything a person eats and drinks is a
a) underweight
b) obesity
c) undernutrition
d) diet

The ratio of weight to height is
a) obesity
b) body mass index
c) diet
d) underweight

Excess body fat, or adipose tissue is
a) undernutrition
b) body mass index
c) underweight
d) obesity

Not consuming enough essential nutrients or calories for normal body functions
a) obesity
b) undernutrition
c) diet
d) underweight

Being 10 percent or more below normal weight is
a) obesity
b) body mass index
c) undernutrition
d) underweight

Nutrient-dense foods are foods low in nutrients relative to their caloric content.
a) True
b) False

Body builders and pregnant women should not use BMI as a predictor of health risks.
a) True
b) False

Exercise decreases metabolic rate so the body burns more calories.
a) True
b) False

To maintain your weight, calories consumed must equal calories burned.
a) True
b) False

Obesity means weighing more than 10 percent over the standard weight for height.
a) True
b) False

_________________ is the cycle of losing, regaining, losing, and regaining weight.
a) anorexia nervosa
b) bulimia nervosa
c) weight cycling
d) diet pills

____________________ can have such serious side effects that the FDA requires them to carry a warning label.
a) bulimia nervosa
b) weight cycling
c) anorexia nervosa
d) liquid protein diets

An obsessive fear of gaining weight, an unrealistic sense of body image, and an extremely low-calorie intake are characteristic of _____________________.
a) anorexia nervosa
b) weight cycling
c) diet pills
d) bulimia nervosa

A person who periodically eats large quantities of food followed by self-induced vomiting or purging through laxative abuse has the disorder known as ____________________
a) bulimia nervosa
b) anorexia nervosa
c) weight cycling
d) liquid protein diets

______________ can cause drowsiness and anxiety and may be addictive.
a) anorexia nervosa
b) bulimia nervosa
c) liquid protein diets
d) diet pills

A diet that is least likely to be a fad diet
a) involves eating only one food
b) teaches lifestyle changes
c) requires a weight-loss aid
d) promises spot reducing

Fasting can cause the body to
a) generate more muscle tissue
b) gain weight
c) use its own muscle tissue for energy
d) lose weight safely

Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are
a) psychological disorders
b) diseases
c) inherited syndromes
d) psychosomatic illnesses

Persons with bulimia often follow a restrictive diet
a) because they need to lose weight
b) because they are always hungry
c) but never purge
d) in order to restore a sense of control

Which is NOT true of people who are experiencing weight cycling?
a) Losing weight becomes harder and harder for them.
b) They lose lean body tissue along with fat, both of which are replaced by more body fat.
c) They are healthier than if they were slightly overweight.
d) They require fewer and fewer calories to maintain their weight.

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