Chapter 5, Processing Materials Question Preview (ID: 45105)

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Nails have a greater holding power than screws.
a) True
b) False
c) x
d) x

Nuts, bolts, and screws join materials _________________.
a) chemically
b) mechanically
c) using friction
d) temporarily

Adhesives provide a _____________ bond between surfaces.
a) chemical
b) mechanical
c) friction
d) temporary

Pouring liquid metal into a mold to shape it is called ______________ .
a) casting
b) forming
c) laminating
d) shaping

A number of identical irregular shapes are best marked out using a(n) ___________________ .
a) compass
b) odd-leg caliper
c) try square
d) template

A coping saw is used to make curved cuts through ________________ .
a) thin aluminum and copper
b) thin aluminum
c) wood and plastic
d) plastic only

The advantage of brass screws is that they _____________________ .
a) are strong
b) are cheaper than steel screws
c) hold better than steel screws
d) do not rust

A ____________ surface has been chemically altered to protect it from the elements.
a) coated
b) converted
c) filed
d) sanded

A hacksaw is used to make curved cuts through metal and plastic.
a) True
b) False
c) x
d) x

Knockdown joints can be taken apart and reassembled as needed.
a) True
b) False
c) x
d) x

A butt joint is stronger than an interlocking one.
a) True
b) False
c) x
d) x

Adhesives are typically made from petroleum products.
a) True
b) False
c) x
d) x

Heat joining is used mostly on metals.
a) True
b) False
c) x
d) x

Finishing changes a surface by treating it or placing a coating on it.
a) True
b) False
c) x
d) x

Materials applied to a surface are called coatings.
a) True
b) False
c) x
d) x

When using an adjustable wrench, you should push against the fixed jaw.
a) True
b) False
c) x
d) x

When using an abrasive, you should begin with a fine grade and gradually work up to a coarse abrasive.
a) True
b) False
c) x
d) x

the first step in making a product that involves measuring
a) forming
b) drilling
c) marking out
d) forming

a process for removing small amounts of metal
a) casting
b) filing
c) planing
d) forming

a process fro removing small amounts of wood
a) planing
b) filing
c) forming
d) drilling

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