STIS Session Question Preview (ID: 44979)

Sample Questions From Different Subjects. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What do you do before you start subtracting?
a) Line up the numbers by their place value.
b) Borrow.
c) You can only subtract if both numbers are the same number of digits.
d) Check to see if you can add them up.

What do you do to set up a dividing fractions problem?
a) Change both fractions to their reciprocal. Find a common denominator.
b) Keep the first fraction. Change to multiplication. Flip the second fraction to its reciprocal.
c) No set up needed, just divide straight across.
d) Find a common denominator. Then, flip to multiplication.

What is the difference between series and parallel circuits?
a) Series are only used in cars; parallel are used in all vehicles.
b) Series are used for complex computing; parallel are only used for Christmas lights.
c) Series have one path for electricity; parallel has multiple paths.
d) Series has multiple paths for electricity; parallel has one path.

Contrast producers and consumers.
a) Producers are at the top of the food web, while consumers are at the middle or bottom.
b) Producers are mammals, where consumers are plants.
c) Producers need to eat, but consumers make their own food.
d) Producers can make their own food, but consumers can't

Why would an African tribal leader sell African slaves to European traders?
a) As punishment to his people for defying him for many years.
b) They were so greedy, they would sell their own families into slavery.
c) They felt they needed European guns to protect their village from neighbors who had exchanged slaves for guns already.
d) They were too ignorant to know what people were worth.

Why does our government have 3 branches and 3 levels?
a) To make it unnecessarily complicated so it's impossible to learn.
b) To spread out the power so no one part has too much power over another.
c) The founding fathers wanted all their friends to have government jobs, so they needed a lot of spaces.
d) They modeled it after the British government at the time.

What happens during the exposition of a fiction text?
a) The action continues to rise toward the climax.
b) The story wraps up, answering all readers' questions.
c) The characters, setting, and usually main problem are introduced.
d) The most exciting action happens, usually a turning point in the story.

What is the difference between static and dynamic characters?
a) Static characters stay the same; dynamic characters change through the story.
b) Static characters change through the story; dynamic characters stay the same.
c) Static characters are written so readers care about them; dynamic characters are written to be disliked.
d) Static characters have dialogue and are major; dynamic characters are minor and may not speak.

Correct the sentence: as the dog ran away from me.
a) as the dog ran away from me, i cried
b) As the dog ran away from me.
c) As the dog ran away from me, panting and panting.
d) As the dog ran away from me, I screamed his name.

What might you do when trying to persuade someone to agree with you?
a) Make sure you don't mention the other side of the argument at all.
b) Start with your opinion, but make sure you back it up with facts.
c) Use voice, be funny, and repeat your opinion at least once every paragraph.
d) Ask a lot of questions of the reader, and then share how many people agree with you.

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