Weathering And Erosion Question Preview (ID: 44973)

Semester 1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Acid precipitation, animals, plants, and water are all agents of what?
a) Mechanical weathering
b) Chemical weathering
c) Deposition
d) Soil conservation

When sediments are transported from one location to another by water, wind, ice, gravity, etc.
a) Weathering
b) Deposition
c) Erosion
d) Stratification

In which layer of soil is most humus (organic material) found?
a) bedrock (at the bottom)
b) parent rock (second from the bottom)
c) subsoil (second layer)
d) topsoil (top layer)

What deposition environment is created when river water slows down and drops its load?
a) marsh
b) delta
c) barrier island
d) trench

What is the name for sediment that is eroded down a slope due to gravity?
a) chemical weathering
b) mechanical weathering
c) differential weathering
d) mass movement

Which technique would be the best to slow erosion?
a) removing forests and plants from a slope
b) adding grass and trees to a hillside
c) collecting rainwater in barrels to be used later
d) digging holes in the field for the water to collect in

Oxidation is a type of chemical weathering caused by oxygen. What is another name for oxidation?
a) stratification
b) sea-floor spreading
c) rust
d) glacier

Which is the best definition of soil?
a) water and air mixed with rocks
b) weather rocks and minerals mixed with water and air
c) weathered minerals and eroded dirt
d) ice, weather rock, and fossils

What part of the soil is created from decayed organisms and helps add nutrients to the soil?
a) subsoil
b) minerals
c) humus
d) parent rock

If you made a drawing of the soil horizons (layers) which layer would be least weathered and which would be the most weathered?
a) Least = topsoil; most = bedrock
b) Least = subsoil; most = topsoil
c) Least = bedrock; most = topsoil
d) Least = parent rock; most = topsoil

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