Rocks And Minerals Question Preview (ID: 44972)

Semester 1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

If you find an igneous rock that has a rough and bumpy texture (coarse-grained), how did it most likely form?
a) slowly and inside the Earth
b) quickly and on the Earth's surface
c) slow and on the Earth's surface
d) quickly and inside the Earth

Stone Mountain formed long ago as magma cooled underground. What type of rock is Stone Mountain?
a) Foliated metamorphic since it forms underground
b) Intrusive igneous since it hardened (solidified) underground
c) Organic sedimentary since is formed a long time ago
d) Stone Mountain is a mineral and not a rock

What is stratification?
a) The layers of rocks and sediments that form sedimentary rocks
b) The fossils found in some sedimentary rocks
c) When igneous rocks form on the surface from lava
d) When metamorphic rocks melt into magma

Which is NOT true about the rock cycle?
a) Any rock can become any other type of rock with the right processes
b) Metamorphic rocks form under intense heat and pressure
c) Weathering and erosion create sediments that can form sedimentary rocks
d) Rocks follow a specific order and path in the rock cycle

Which is NOT a way scientists classify rocks?
a) composition
b) texture
c) how they form
d) color

Coal is a type of rock that forms from compacting of swamp plants. Which type of rock is it?
a) metamorphic
b) sedimentary
c) igneous
d) coal is not a rock

Which type of rock can become an igneous rock?
a) Metamorphic rocks
b) Sedimentary rocks
c) Igneous rocks
d) All rocks could become igneous rocks

For a sedimentary rock to become metamorphic, what would need to happen first?
a) The sedimentary rock needs to melt and then cool.
b) The sedimentary rock would need to weather and erode as pieces of rock called sediment.
c) The sedimentary rock would need to compact and cement.
d) The sedimentary rock would need to become buried and undergo heat and pressure.

How could you create a model of a metamorphic rock with an Airhead candy?
a) Melt it and let it cool (melting and cooling)
b) Tear it apart and stick the pieces back together (compacting and cementing)
c) Press down really hard with warm hands (heat and pressure)
d) Roll it into a ball and eat it (weathering and erosion)

Why is oxygen not a mineral?
a) It is a liquid and minerals must be solid.
b) It is a gas and minerals must be liquids.
c) It is a solid and minerals must be gases.
d) It is a gas and minerals must be solids.

What is the main difference between rocks and minerals?
a) Rocks must be composed on minerals, but minerals are not composed of rocks.
b) Minerals must be composed of rocks, but rocks are not composed of minerals.
c) Minerals must be organic, but rocks can be inorganic only.
d) Rocks and minerals are the same thing.

Which mineral property creates a powder when the mineral is rubbed on a tile plate?
a) hardness
b) cleavage
c) streak
d) luster

Which type of rock can be organic and contain fossils?
a) metamorphic
b) sedimentary
c) igneous
d) mafic

Igneous rocks form when magma/lava cools and hardens. Which type of igneous rock is fine grained and cools quickly?
a) Intrusive igneous
b) Extrusive igneous
c) Foliated igneous
d) Nonfoliated igneous

Which rock is described: form deep under the surface; high heat and/or pressure; foliated or nonfoliated
a) sedimentary
b) igneous
c) metamorphic
d) intrusive

Which type of rock is created by compacting and cementing (lithification) of weathered rocks?
a) metamorphic
b) igneous
c) foliated
d) sedimentary

Which is NOT a characteristic of a mineral?
a) Organic
b) Solid
c) Naturally occuring
d) Crystal structure

Which mineral property determines whether is mineral can scratch another mineral or be scratched by some object?
a) Streak
b) Luster
c) Hardness
d) Cleavage

Where do most sedimentary rocks form (compact and cement)?
a) At the bottom of the ocean or lake
b) In a volcano
c) Deep under the surface of Earth
d) In the Earth's core

Orthoclase is a 6 on Mohs Hardness scale. Calcite is 3 on the scale. Which statement is true?
a) Calcite will scratch orthoclase.
b) Orthoclase will sometimes scratch calcite.
c) Orthoclase will always scratch calcite.
d) Neither mineral will scratch the other.

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