Atom Basics Review Question Preview (ID: 44966)

Use This Game To Practice For The Atom Basics Portion Of The Final. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What charge does an electron have and where is it found in an atom?
a) negative charge, in the nucleus
b) negative charge, on orbitals outside of the nucleus
c) positive charge, in the nucleus
d) positive charge, on orbitals outside of the nucleus

What charge does a proton have and where is it found in an atom?
a) negative charge, in the nucleus
b) negative charge, on orbitals outside of the nucleus
c) positive charge, in the nucleus
d) positive charge, on orbitals outside of the nucleus

What charge does a neutron have and where is it found in an atom?
a) negative charge, in the nucleus
b) positive charge, in the nuclues
c) no charge, on orbitals surrounding the nucleus
d) no charge, in the nucleus

Why are protons and electrons attracted to each other?
a) Because protons have a positive charge and electrons have a negative charge.
b) Because protons have a negative charge and electrons have a positive charge.
c) Because they both are positively charged
d) Because they both are negatively charged.

All matter in the universe is made of ____________________.
a) atoms
b) dust
c) cells
d) mixture

How many elements are in are in NaCl
a) 4
b) 2
c) 1
d) 5

Which subatomic particle has a negative charge?
a) neutron
b) electron
c) proton
d) orbitals

Which two subatomic particles are found in the nucleus?
a) electrons and protons
b) protons only
c) neutrons and protons
d) electrons and neutrons

Which is smaller: body, cell, compound, atom?
a) body
b) cell
c) compound
d) atom

Compounds are made up of
a) one type of element
b) different types of elements
c) two of the same atoms
d) mixtures

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