Scientific Method Question Preview (ID: 44942)

This Game Reviews The Scientific Method Steps. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

How can you share what you have learned from the experiment for a Science Fair?
a) make a sandwhich
b) make a display board
c) make a pizza

During your experiment, you collect and record data. What is data?
a) snakes
b) steps
c) information
d) computers

After you have completed your experiment, you make a conclusion. What is a conclusion?
a) A question
b) What you learned from the experiment
c) A prediction

After you ask a question in the scientific method, the next step is to make a hypothesis. What is a hypothesis?
a) A question
b) An answer
c) A prediction

What is the last step in the scientific method?
a) You look at the data and make a conclusion.
b) You do the experiment and record data.
c) You share what you learned.

What is the fourth step in the scientific method?
a) You make a hypothesis
b) You analyze the data and make a conclusion.
c) You do the experiment and record data.

What is the third step in the scientific method?
a) You do the experiment and record data.
b) You make a hypothesis.
c) You ask a question.

What is the second step in the scientific method?
a) You do the experiment and record data.
b) You analyze the data and make a conclusion.
c) You make a hypothesis.

What happens first in the scientific method?
a) You do the experiment and record data.
b) You analyze the data and make a conclusion.
c) You ask a question.

What is the scientific method?
a) Rules scientists use to know how to behave
b) Steps scientist use to answer their questions
c) Materials scientists use to do their experiment

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