Unit 4: Europe Question Preview (ID: 44908)

Unit 4 Europe Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The level of economic development in Europe is best described as
a) none developed
b) less developed
c) newly developed
d) more developed

Europe has a history characterized by instances of conflict and cooperation between cultures. Most recently many European nations have been working to cooperate by...
a) isolating the United States
b) reducing stockpiles of weapons
c) forming the European Union
d) limiting immigration to the region

Travel throughout Europe is facilitated by an extensive railroad system. This system is an example of which type of industry?
a) Retail
b) Service
c) Agricultural
d) Manufacturing

One way entrepreneurs influence economies in Europe is by
a) creating jobs
b) conserving resources
c) providing skilled labor
d) expanding government regulations

Europe is considered a peninsula of peninsulas, which explains why many countries in the region
a) experience very cold climate conditions
b) depend on the sea for economic growth
c) lack political connections with each other
d) use terrace farming to support the population

How does physical geography in Europe affect the distribution of goods?
a) A warm, temperate climate allows for year round work in Europe.
b) Mountain barriers have closed off access to overland routes in Europe.
c) Numerous highways have been built across the Northern European Plains.
d) Navigable rivers and harbors provide many European cities with trading ports.

One way in which the character of place of many large cities in Europe has been affected by migration includes the
a) construction of highways
b) decline of the public school system
c) building of modern office complexes
d) establishment of a variety of restaurants

What religious tradition is most common in the culture of many European societies?
a) Islam
b) Judaism
c) Hinduism
d) Christianity

What event of the mid-1900s greatly contributed to increased cooperation between European nations?
a) Outbreak of war in Southeast Asia
b) Emergence of powerful nations in Africa
c) Economic competition from the United States
d) Devastation caused by the Second World War

What peninsula is home to Norway and Sweden?
a) Balkan
b) Iberian
c) Jutland
d) Scandinavian

What natural resource helped to support industrial development in both Britain and Germany?
a) Iron
b) Coal
c) Natural Gas
d) Petroleum

During the Middle Ages, Europe was characterized by feudal warfare between knights trying to control small kingdoms. As a result, Europe today is politically divided into...
a) numerous small nation-states
b) many different ethnic enclaves
c) French or English speaking nations
d) European Union and non-union members

What geographic pattern was characteristic of Europe in 1980?
a) Western Europe and Eastern Europe were divided by an imaginary boundary.
b) Many of the countries in Western Europe had unified to form the European Union.
c) A physical barrier was erected between France in the west and Germany in the east.
d) Most countries in Europe choose to be neutral and not aligned with any other nations.

Da Vinci, Raphael, Monet, Van Gogh, and Picasso are famous....
a) Racecar drivers
b) Painters
c) Composers
d) Story tellers

Need for immigrants to learn native languages, mistrust and misunderstanding of cultural differences, and displacement of natives were all caused by what?
a) Poverty
b) Multiculturalism
c) Lack of education
d) European Union policies

What influenced the architecture of Western Europe?
a) wealthy donors in Europe
b) Christian values in Europe
c) Greek philosophy in Europe
d) cultural convergence in Europe

French culture influenced English culture by...
a) adding a variety of new books to English literature
b) introducing new economic concepts to the English
c) producing a new dictionary for the English language
d) transforming the vocabulary of the English language

What is one way that many governments in Europe are similar?
a) Most are considered to be limited monarchies.
b) They were modeled after the U.S. government.
c) Power is shared between two executive leaders.
d) Revolutions brought about the political systems.

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