Plate Tectonics Question Preview (ID: 44907)

Plate Tectonics And Boundaries. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Hard-boiled eggs have often been used to model the layers of Earth’s interior. Which choice describes how heat would move through Earth’s layers?
a) within the yolk only.
b) from the shell to the yolk
c) fromt he yolk to the white
d) around the yolk in the white

Earth’s crust is made up of tectonic plates. Which statement best describes the movemnt of plates that make up the Himalayaan Mountaiains?
a) Two convergent plates, one continental and one oceanic
b) Two convergent continental plates
c) Two divergent continental plates
d) Two divergent plates, one continental and one oceanic

The Great Rift Valley in Africa is a land feature on Earth’s surface caused by the movement of crustal plates. Continued movement of the plates is gradually making the rift deeper. How are the plates around the Great Rift Valley moving?
a) the plates are colliding
b) One plate is sliding beneath a less dense plate.
c) The plates are grinding against one another along a fault.
d) The plates are spreading apart and moving in opposite directions.

Convergent plates are
a) colliding into each other
b) dividing and moving away from each other
c) sliding past each other

Divergent plates are
a) colliding into each other
b) dividng and pulling away fro each other
c) sliding past each other

Transform plates are
a) diving and pulling away from each other
b) colliding into each other
c) sliding past each other

Where would be be most likely to see rift valleys formed?
a) at convergin oceanic plates
b) at diverging contenintal plates
c) deep within the core of the earth
d) only at trnasform plate boundaries

Where would we be most likely to see the formation of folded mountains?
a) Only at the transform boundaries know as faults.
b) around diverent oceanic boundaries
c) where contenintal plates collide at convergent boundaries.
d) within the center of the earth

The earthquakes that are felt in places like California and recently in Alaska are likely to be caused by which type of plate boundary?
a) transform plate boundaries
b) divergent plate boundaries
c) converging plate boundaries

Different plate boundaries lead to certain events above and below the surface. Where are most mountains on Earth formed?
a) At volcanic chains
b) At strike slip faults
c) At mid-ocean ridges
d) At convergent plate boundaries

Volcanoes can form when certain plates interact. Which of the following would be the least likely cause of a volcanic eruption?
a) Tectonic plates colliding
b) Gas pressure within Earth’s crust
c) Tectonic plates sliding past each other
d) New magma flowing into an already full magma chamber

A plate boundary is a place where two tectonic plates meet. There are several types of tectonic plate boundaries. Which statement below shows the correct definition of a tectonic plate boundary?
a) At a transform boundary, plates move apart.
b) At a convergent boundary, plates slide past each other.
c) At a divergent boundary, one plate sinks under another plate.
d) At a divergent boundary, plates separate.

What happens at a transform tectonic plate boundary?
a) Two tectonic plates pulls away from one another.
b) Two tectonic plates push towards one another.
c) Two tectonic plates slide against each other.

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