Personal Finance Question Preview (ID: 44900)

Personal Finance 7.01. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Advocacy is:
a) The act or process of writing or speaking out in favor of or about a cause
b) A situation in which two people argue against a policy
c) A wish list developed by non‐profit organizations
d) When someone is audited by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Healthy giving occurs when:
a) An individual wants to give back and the result is positive emotions for both the giver and receiver
b) Someone decides to write a check for another
c) Occurs when the well‐being of only the receiver is affected
d) Someone with limited resources gives all they have to make another happy

Which of the following is not considered a form of giving?
a) Reading about the storm victims of Hurricane Katrina
b) A monetary donation to a charitable cause
c) Spending an afternoon cleaning up an abandoned park in your hometown
d) Donating material goods to a campaign

Planned giving can occur through:
a) Estate planning activities
b) Buying Girl Scout Cookies on your way out of the grocery store
c) Paycheck deductions for retirement accounts
d) Pulling over to help someone with car trouble

What is the most appropriate type of giving at the following life cycle stages?
a) All of these qualify as appropriate types of giving during the life cycle stages
b) A grandparent “gifts” a plot of land to a hospital in the name of their grandchild
c) A CEO of a company suggests that his employees “go paperless” and not print out quarterly reports
d) School children host a book fair and donate sales to the March of Dimes

If the resulted emotion of giving includes resentment, guilt or anger the giving would be considered:
a) Unhealthy
b) Passive
c) Egotistical
d) Selfish

What is the name of this course?
a) Personal Finance
b) How to make money
c) Stock Market Game
d) Whose Who

What question number is this?
a) 8
b) 7
c) 6
d) 4

What is your class's room number?
a) M-34
b) McDunold 34
c) McYD's 34
d) You have to know the answer is A by now...Don't you?

What is your teacher's middle name?
a) F
b) Eziekial
c) Mohammed
d) Preston

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