Plate Tectonics Review Question Preview (ID: 44886)

Use This To Review For The Plate Tectonics Section Of Your Final Exam. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What are tectonic plates?
a) Pieces of metal in the mantle
b) Mountains
c) Pieces of Earth’s crust and upper mantle
d) Chunks of continents

What landform or event is found at a convergent boundary?
a) Rift valley
b) Mountain formation
c) Mid-ocean ridge
d) Canyon

How does a transform boundary move AND what does this movement create?
a) Two plates slide against each other creating earthquakes.
b) Two plates divide creating a rift valley.
c) Two plates collide creating a mountain.
d) Two plates divide creating volcanoes.

Why is the area that borders the Pacific Ocean called the Ring of Fire?
a) Because many volcanoes and earthquakes occur along this boarder
b) Because it has lots of wild fires
c) Because it the only place where magma comes up through the Earth’s surface.
d) Because this is the only place where plates collide.

Which of the following explains how new ocean floor is formed?
a) Ocean currents erode the old ocean floor
b) Sand and other sediment are deposited on the ocean floor.
c) Violent earthquakes shake the old ocean floor to create a new floor.
d) Molten rock rises through the crust and hardens to create ocean floor.

why does rock sink when it travels closer to the surface of the earth in a convection current?
a) Because the temperature is decreasing
b) Because the density is decreasing
c) Because the density is increasing
d) Because the rotation of Earth pushes it down

According to the theory of plate tectonics, what makes Earth’s tectonic plates move?
a) Convection currents in the mantle
b) Radiation from Earth’s core
c) Gravitational pull of the moon
d) Rotation of the Earth on its axis

Most geologists rejected Alfred Wegener’s idea of continental drift because…
a) They were afraid of a new idea.
b) Wegener was interested in what Earth was like millions of years ago.
c) Wegener used several different types of evidence to support his hypothesis.
d) Wegener could not identify how a force could move the continents.

Which of the following is evidence that sea-floor spreading occurs?
a) Magnetic stripes
b) Fossils
c) Climate change
d) Subduction

Where do most earthquakes and volcanoes occur?
a) The middle of tectonic plates
b) Between the outer core and mantle
c) Along fault lines/plate boundaries
d) Between the lithosphere and outer core

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