A Christmas Carol Vocabulary Part II Question Preview (ID: 44845)

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joyous, merry
a) festive
b) welfare
c) destitute
d) idle

good fortune/future; health and happiness
a) anonymous
b) welfare
c) idle
d) festive

poor without the necessities of life
a) festive
b) welfare
c) anonymous
d) destitute

not working or active
a) destitute
b) idle
c) welfare
d) festive

unknown, without a name or title
a) anonymous
b) destitute
c) welfare
d) festive

a piece of property or possessions
a) consult(ed)
b) solitary
c) wrench(ing)
d) estate

to pull or twist suddenly and violently; to overstrain; squeezing
a) estate
b) solitary
c) executor
d) wrench (ing)

a person who carries out a job
a) consult(ed)
b) executor
c) solitary
d) wrench(ing)

something done or existing alone
a) wrench(ing)
b) solitary
c) consult(ed)
d) estate

seek information or advice from
a) estate
b) wrench(ing)
c) consult(ed)
d) executor

a person whose business is to prepare dead bodies
a) undertaker
b) legal
c) mourn(er)
d) clergyman

an ordained Christian minister/preacher
a) mourn(er)
b) legal
c) clegeryman
d) beneficiary

to feel or express sorrow or grief
a) beneficiary
b) legal
c) mourn(er)
d) clergyman

someone who receives wealth from another person
a) mourn(er)
b) undertaker
c) legal
d) beneficiary

permitted by law
a) legal
b) undertaker
c) beneficiary
d) clergyman

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