Cells Question Preview (ID: 44828)

Cell Organelles, Photosynthesis, Respiration, Osmosis, Diffusion. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which part of the cell is responsible for controlling the cell?
a) Nucleus
b) Cell Membrane
c) Lysosome
d) Cytoplasm

How does a substance move in diffusion?
a) From a low to a low
b) From a high to a high
c) From a low to a high
d) From a high to a low

What is the waste product in respiration?
a) Water
b) Oxygen
c) Water and Carbon Dioxide
d) Water and Oxygen

Where is extra glucose stored within the plant cell?
a) Cytoplasm
b) Cell Membrane
c) Vacuole
d) Mitochondria

Which of the following is NOT how the energy is used from respiration.
a) Creating new cells
b) Creating only plant cells
c) Rebuilding cells
d) Repairing cells

Which cell organelle does photosynthesis occur in?
a) Mitochondria
b) Cell Membrane
c) Vacuole
d) Chloroplast

What type of cells conduct photosynthesis?
a) All Cells
b) Animal Cells
c) Plant Cells
d) Bacteria Cells

Which cell organelle does respiration occur in?
a) Nucleus
b) Mitochondria
c) Chloroplast
d) Cell Wall

What is the function of the cell wall?
a) Provide shape and support
b) Allow substances to enter and exit the cell
c) Hold water
d) Create energy

What is the waste product in photosynthesis?
a) Water
b) Oxygen
c) Carbon Dioxide
d) Glucose

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