Mental Health Review Question Preview (ID: 44824)

Review Game Over Mental Health Disorders, Diagnosis, And Interventions. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

An exaggerated sense of physical and emotional well-being not based on reality, disproportionate to the cause, and inappropriate to the situation is:
a) hypomania
b) euphoria
c) euthymia
d) anxiety

An imaging technique that examines and maps brain activity is:
a) PET
b) CT
c) MRI
d) radiography

What disorder is a weather-induced depression due to decreased exposure to sunlight in autumn and winter?
a) ODD
b) OCD
d) SAD

Any sensory perception that occurs with no external cause is:
a) a delusion
b) a hallucination
c) an illusion
d) a confabulation

Absence of the ability to experience pleasure or joy is:
a) anhedonia
b) libido
c) akathisia
d) confabulation

Which of the following is allowed to prescribe medication in the treatment of mental disorders?
a) psychologist
b) psychiatrist
c) counselor
d) licensed social worker

Reliance on an object as a stimulus for sexual arousal and pleasure is:
a) exhibitionism
b) feishism
c) sadomasochism
d) voyeurism

What disorder is an extended emotional response to a traumatic event, with symptoms that may include flashbacks, anhedonia, hypervigilence, and insomnia?
a) ODD
b) OCD
d) SAD

Which medications are used to promote a calming effect in patients?
a) stimulants
b) antidepressants
c) sedatives
d) mood stabilizers

An uncontrollable impulse to set fires is called:
a) hypomania
b) kleptomania
c) pyromania
d) trichotillomania

What disorder includes impulsiveness, inability to concentrate, and a short attention span?
a) Asperger disorder
c) autism
d) anxiety

A persistent belief in a demonstrable untruth or a provably inaccurate perception, despite clear evidence to the contrary is a:
a) delusion
b) hallucination
c) illusion
d) confabulation

The abbreviation for the name of the official listing of mental disorders in the U.S. is:
a) APA
b) DSM
c) ICD-9
d) ICD-10

The state in which the body becomes accustomed to the substances ingested, requiring greater amounts to create the desired effect is:
a) acute intoxication
b) tolerance
c) dependence syndrome
d) withdrawal state

A condition characterized by persistent negative behaviors, including hostile, defiant, and disobedient behavior, is:
a) ODD
b) OCD
d) SAD

What disorder is characterized by distortions of perceptions of thinking, and individuals are often unable to understand reality?
a) depressive disorders
c) schizophrenia
d) Tourette syndrome

The normal range of moods and emotions is:
a) hypomania
b) euphoria
c) euthymia
d) anxiety

Which of the following psychological tests measures IQ?
a) Bender Gestalt
c) Rorschach

A disorder that is characterized by unfounded physical complaints despite medical assurance that no physical problem exists is:
a) adjustment disorder
b) dissociative identity disorder
c) somatoform disorder
d) persistent mood disorder

What is a treatment technique where a patient enters an altered state of consciousness to change unwanted behaviors or emotional responses?
a) ECT
b) hypnosis
c) detoxification
d) psychoanalysis

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