Plate Tectonics Question Preview (ID: 44805)

Plate Tectonics Review Game. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What process occurs when two plates run together, and one plate slips beneath the other?
a) divergence
b) subduction
c) transformation
d) convection

When the sea floor spreads apart, volcanoes and ridges are formed because
a) sediments are deposited where the floor spreads, building ridges.
b) as the plates pull apart, magma moves to the surface, building ridges.
c) the weight of ocean water pushes down on the surrounding sea floor, pushing up ridges.
d) underwater earthquakes lift the sea floor into long ridges.

The Marianas Trench in the Pacific Ocean is 36,160 feet below sea level. This deep-oceanic trench is caused by
a) swift ocean currents eroding away the ocean floor.
b) the collapse of an empty magma chamber in a large volcano.
c) excessive boat traffic disrupting the normal sedimentation process
d) two tectonic plates colliding and one plunging below the other.

Which of the following is not considered a result of the movement of tectonic plates?
a) Earthquakes
b) mountain ranges
c) volcanoes
d) hurricanes

Of the following statements, which best supports the continent drift theory?
a) Igneous rock are found on all continents.
b) Early humans migrated to North America over a land bridge from eastern Asia.
c) Fossils of the same species have been found in both South America and Africa.
d) Fossils of sames species have been found in Africa and Canada

What type of plate boundary has plates sliding past each other?
a) convergent boundaries
b) divergent boundaries
c) subduction zones
d) transform boundaries

When 2 continental plates collide which landform is created?
a) deep-ocean trench
b) volcano
c) mountains
d) island

Where is oceanic crust destroyed?
a) mid-ocean ridges
b) deep-ocean trenches
c) divergent plate boundaries
d) transform plate boundaries

What does Pangaea mean?
a) It is the name of an extinct volcano.
b) It is the French word for volcano.
c) It is the name of an ancient super-continent.
d) It is a huge disruption of the Earth's atmospheric circulation.

Sediment close to the mid-ocean ridge is ____ than sediment farther away.
a) older
b) younger
c) smaller
d) bigger

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