Research Skill Question Preview (ID: 448)

Library Lesson On ILS Information Literacy Skills. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which is the first thing you should do when writing a research paper?
a) locate material
b) choose a topic
c) take notes
d) organize materials

Which fact does NOT belong in a research paper about voting America?
a) In several countries, election day is treated like a national holiday.
b) Voting rights were not always granted to women and African Americans.
c) The method by which you cast your ballot is decided by each individual state.
d) The electroral college is a select body of people who elect somebody to an office.

Which is a good method for taking notes for a research paper?
a) Write information on note cards.
b) Photocopy pages from a printed source.
c) Memorize information from videotapes.
d) Print information from a computer source.

While taking notes for a research paper, if you restate in your own words a passage written by someone else, you are
a) outlining
b) analyzing
c) skimming
d) paraphrasing

During the research process, when is the best time to formulate your research questions?
a) after you select your sources but before you start taking notes
b) after you have written your rough draft but before you revise it
c) after you have chosen a topic but before you write an outline
d) after you have thought about several topics but before you have made your choice

Joe is going to write a report on tigers. He made the following list of things he would do: (1) make an outline (2) skim the material (3) select sources (4) organize and write report (5) take notes (6) formulate questions Which activity will Joe
a) select sources
b) formulate questions
c) take notes
d) organize and write report

Maria is doing research for a paper on the paintings of the Dutch artist, Vincent Van Gogh. Which piece of information is least related to her topic?
a) Van Gogh's paintings are filled with emotion.
b) Van Gogh painted both people and landscapes.
c) Van Gogh used bright colors and broad brush strokes.
d) Van Gogh's friend Gauguin was famous for his paintings set in Tahiti.

Title: YOUR HEALTH AND YOU: 1. About Your Body and How it works 18-36; 2. Eating Healthy Foods For Health 37-59; 3. Safety and You 60-75; 4. Guarding Against Disease 76-92; 5. Health and Our World 93-106; 6. Exercise and Health 109-123
a) There are 4 chapters in this book.
b) There are 2 chapters in this book.
c) there are 6 chapters in this book.
d) There are 7 chapters in this book.

What is the title of the third chapter? Title: YOUR HEALTH AND YOU: 1. About Your Body and How it works 18-36; 2. Eating Healthy Foods For Health 37-59; 3. Safety and You 60-75; 4. Guarding Against Disease 76-92; 5. Health and Our World 93-106;
a) Exercise and Health
b) Safety and You
c) Health and Our World
d) none of these

What pages can you find information about how to guard against disease? Title: YOUR HEALTH AND YOU: 1. About Your Body and How it works 18-36; 2. Eating Healthy Foods For Health 37-59; 3. Safety and You 60-75; 4. Guarding Against Disease 76-92;
a) 109-123
b) 37-59
c) 60-75
d) 76-92

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