Drama Question Preview (ID: 44778)

Vocabulary For Drama And Fiction. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

How do you know when the setting of the play changes?
a) the characters will tell you
b) the play will end
c) the act or scene will change
d) the playwright

What is the term for the smaller sections of a play?
a) acts
b) scenes
c) stage directions
d) dialogue

What is the term for the spoken words between the characters?
a) acts
b) scenes
c) dialogue
d) stage directions

What is the term for objects used by the actors in the play?
a) stage directions
b) props
c) scenes
d) dialogue

What is the term for the speaker that gives the reader or audience information about what is happening in the play?
a) storyteller
b) narrator
c) resolution
d) acts

What is the term for the large sections of a play?
a) acts
b) mountains
c) plot
d) setting

What is the name of the form that a play is written?
a) paragraphs
b) lines and stanzas
c) short form
d) script

What will tell the reader the setting of the play?
a) resolution
b) drama
c) stage directions
d) playwright

What is the term for the list of characters in a play?
a) set
b) cast
c) setting
d) dialogue

Plays are found in which genre?
a) drama
b) poetry
c) action
d) narrator

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