SPT11 Question Preview (ID: 44735)

SPT11. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Choose the correctly-spelled word.
a) dietitian
b) dietian
c) detitian
d) dietition

Choose the correctly-spelled word.
a) mannage
b) menege
c) manage
d) manege

Choose the correctly-spelled word.
a) electricion
b) electrician
c) electrecian
d) eletrician

Choose the correctly-spelled word.
a) mandatory
b) mendatory
c) mandetory
d) manditory

Choose the correctly-spelled word.
a) Ammerican
b) Amarican
c) Amirican
d) American

Choose the correctly-spelled word.
a) manecure
b) mannicure
c) manicure
d) menicure

Choose the correctly-spelled word.
a) Cenedian
b) Canadian
c) Cannadian
d) Canedian

Choose the correctly-spelled word.
a) influence
b) enfluence
c) inffluence
d) innfluence

Choose the correctly-spelled word.
a) interrcept
b) intercept
c) intrecept
d) entercept

Choose the correctly-spelled word.
a) Europpean
b) Europian
c) Eurropean
d) European

Choose the correctly-spelled word.
a) afluent
b) afluant
c) affluent
d) affluant

Choose the correctly-spelled word.
a) disfigure
b) desfigure
c) disfegure
d) disfegere

Choose the correctly-spelled word.
a) evenful
b) evetful
c) eventful
d) eventfull

Choose the correctly-spelled word.
a) influenze
b) enfluenza
c) influenza
d) influensa

Choose the correctly-spelled word.
a) prayful
b) prayerful
c) preyerful
d) prayerfull

Choose the correctly-spelled word.
a) desobediance
b) desobedience
c) disobedience
d) disobediance

Choose the correctly-spelled word.
a) distasteful
b) distateful
c) distaseful
d) distastefull

Choose the correctly-spelled word.
a) intersecion
b) entersection
c) intresection
d) intersection

Choose the correctly-spelled word.
a) intermingel
b) intremingle
c) intermingle
d) intirmingle

Choose the correctly-spelled word.
a) dissembark
b) disembark
c) desembark
d) dessembark

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