Diversity Of Cells Question Preview (ID: 44731)

10.1 Diversity Of Cells. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Why are animal cells harder to see through a microscope than plant cells?
a) The cytoplasm of plant cells is green, but the cytoplasm of animal cells is colorless.
b) Plant cells have cell walls, animal cells do not.
c) Plant cells are larger than animal cells.
d) Plant cells contain organelles, but animal cells do not.

Two types of organisms whose cells do not have a nucleus are
a) prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
b) plants and animals.
c) bacteria and archaea.
d) single-celled and multicellular.

Which of the following statements is part of the cell theory?
a) All cells suddenly appear by themselves.
b) All cells come from other cells.
c) All organisms are multicellular.
d) All cells have identical parts.

Cell size is limited by the
a) thickness of the cell wall.
b) size of the cell's nucleus.
c) cell's surface area to volume ratio.
d) amount of cytoplasm in the cell.

The two main types of cells are
a) plant and animal.
b) animal and bacteria.
c) prokaryotic and eukaryotic.
d) eukaryotic and animal.

The first person to observe and describe cells was
a) Anton van Leeuwenhoek
b) Matthias Schleiden
c) Theodor Schwann
d) Robert Hooke

All cells have the following in common:
a) Cell wall, cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm
b) Genetic material, nucleus, cell wall
c) Cell membrane, cytoplasm, genetic material, organelles
d) Cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, organelles

What are the smallest cells we know of called?
a) Prokaryotes
b) Bacteria
c) Flagella
d) Ribosomes

What does a eukaryote have that a prokaryote does not?
a) Cells with a nucleus.
b) Cells with DNA.
c) One or more cells.
d) Cells with membranes.

What are structures that perform specific functions in cells called?
a) organisms
b) cell membranes
c) organelles
d) DNA

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