Animal Spelling Set Question Preview (ID: 44712)

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What is the correct spelling?
a) flamingo
b) flymango
c) flamango
d) flymingo

What is the correct spelling?
a) jellofish
b) jellyfish
c) gellyfish
d) gelfish

What is the correct spelling?
a) kockroach
b) cochroach
c) cockroach
d) cokrowch

What is the correct spelling?
a) beaber
b) beaver
c) beever
d) beifer

What is the correct spelling?
a) armidyllo
b) armadollo
c) armedello
d) armadillo

What is the correct spelling?
a) salimander
b) saladander
c) salamander
d) slamander

What is the correct spelling?
a) ostrich
b) ostick
c) ostrichu
d) austrich

What is the correct spelling?
a) squirell
b) squirrel
c) skurrel
d) skwurrel

What is the correct spelling?
a) hamsir
b) humstir
c) hamsder
d) hamster

What is the correct spelling?
a) platypus
b) platipus
c) platipos
d) pladipus

What is the correct spelling?
a) elephent
b) elephant
c) elifant
d) ellephant

What is the correct spelling?
a) crab
b) krab
c) klab
d) clab

What is the correct spelling?
a) awl
b) owhl
c) owl
d) ohl

What is the correct spelling?
a) spidyr
b) spyder
c) sbider
d) spider

What is the correct spelling?
a) frog
b) flog
c) forg
d) vrog

What is the correct spelling?
a) tyger
b) tigger
c) tiger
d) tigar

What is the correct spelling?
a) mooth
b) mooes
c) moose
d) noose

What is the correct spelling?
a) kitchen
b) chiken
c) chichken
d) chicken

What is the correct spelling?
a) shark
b) sherk
c) shak
d) sharc

What is the correct spelling?
a) berd
b) bird
c) byrd
d) bard

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