Social Studies Question Preview (ID: 44682)

Chapter 4 Cont. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

To help diversify the mostly agricultural economy South Carolinian entrepreneurs introduced_________.
a) candles
b) industry
c) tofu
d) cats

One of Thomas Jefferson's accomplishments.
a) day light savings
b) Sedition Act
c) The French Connection
d) Louisiana Purchase

What gave the U.S. the God given right to control all of the land from ocean to ocean.
a) congress
b) climate change
c) Mufassa
d) Manifest Destiny

The book written by Harriet Beecher Stowe that shed light on slavery.
a) ''Space Invaders''
b) ''Uncle Tom's Cabin''
c) ''The Triology''
d) ''The Next Big Thing''

Election of 1850 was a pivotal moment for the nation with __________overwhelming winning the popular vote and the needed electoral college vote.
a) John Bell
b) John Breckinridge
c) Abraham Lincoln
d) Cam Newton

The foundation of South Carolina's economy during the Antebellum period was _______.
a) fishing
b) automation
c) agricultural
d) hunting

What does REAPPORTION mean?
a) tax
b) reassign
c) cancel
d) outlaw

Slavery continued to be a horrible system with over_____ of all African slaves being sold/brought to the Colonial and Antebellum U.S.
a) 30%
b) 4%
c) 50%
d) over 100%

The _________ of 1860 allowed California to enter the Union as a free state, end the importation of new slaves, and strengthen the fugitive slave laws.
a) Compromise
b) Hope
c) Promise
d) Complaint

Antebellum means....
a) after the war
b) before the war
c) during the war
d) because of the war

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