Conflict Drama Or Bullying Question Preview (ID: 44642)

Conflict Drama Or Bullying. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

If friends get into a fight over a misunderstanding in the cafeteria and one calls another a name, is it conflict drama or bullying?
a) drama
b) conflict
c) bullying
d) cyberbullying

If a student picks on another student for their body shape or size every week in school is it conflict, drama or bullying?
a) Bullying
b) Conflict
c) Drama
d) Cyberbullying

If a friend posts an embarrassing picture of her ex-bestie online is it conflict, drama, or cyberbullying?
a) cyberbullying
b) drama
c) conflict
d) Netiquette

If two students argue over their political viewpoints in class, is it conflict, drama, or bullying?
a) conflict
b) drama
c) bullying
d) cyberbullying

If two students yell their political opinions in an online forum using all caps is it:
a) cyberbullying
b) conflict
c) drama
d) Netiquette

If students make plans online to make sure they don't have to be partners with Joe on the field trip, is it:
a) cyberbullying
b) conflict
c) drama
d) Netiquette

If someone is using courtesy and manners online is it:
a) Netiquette
b) conflict
c) drama
d) cyberbullying

If a student pushes another student down the stairs at school, steals their lunch, and makes them drop their texts books in the hallway is it
a) bullying
b) conflict
c) drama
d) Netiquette

If someone breaks up with someone and other students talk about it in Spanish class is it
a) Drama
b) Conflict
c) Bullying
d) Cyberbullying

If Sam breaks up with Chris and writes about what a bad boyfriend he was in texts and on social media is it:
a) Cyberbullying
b) Conflict
c) Drama
d) Netiquette

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