Fin. Math Where Do You Keep Your Money? Question Preview (ID: 44563)

The Basics Of Banking. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following is not an interest-bearing account?
a) Checking Account
b) Money Market Account
c) Savings Account
d) IRA

Which of the following charges interest?
a) Credit Card
b) Bank Card
c) Debit Card
d) ATM Card

Which of the following is not something you fill in when you write a check?
a) The check number
b) The date
c) The dollar amount
d) The memo/for

What is it called when you put money into your checking account?
a) Deposit
b) Withdrawal
c) Debit
d) Payment

Which of the following is not a type of financial institution
a) Rent-a-Center
b) Commercial Bank
c) Savings and Loans
d) Credit Union

Which of the following is not a service that banks offer?
a) Transcripts
b) Savings Account
c) Safety Deposit Boxes
d) Online Banking

Which of the following is the fee associated with spending too much and not being able to cover it with your checking account?
a) Over-draft fee
b) Bank service charge
c) Late-payment
d) Stop-payment

Which of the following banks typically has the lowest fees because it is owned by its members?
a) Credit Union
b) Commercial Bank
c) Local Bank
d) Savings and Loans

Which of the following is not considered to be a high-risk institution?
a) Local Bank
b) Pawn Shop
c) Rent-to-Own
d) Rapid Refund Tax Service

What is the monthly list of credits and debits that is sent to the account holder to verify all cleared transactions called?
a) Bank statement
b) Refund
c) Amortization Table
d) Chart of Accounts

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