Earth's Landforms Review Question Preview (ID: 44553)

Science Test On Earth's Landforms. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A tsunami is a giant wave. Which event causes a tsunami?
a) Earthquakes
b) Tornados
c) Hurricanes
d) Wildfires

How can an earthquake be destructive?
a) Earthquakes last up to 30 secs, so they are quick.
b) Earthquakes can be small, or they can be large and powerful.
c) Earthquakes can ruin homes and towns, and they can kill people.
d) People don't have time to evacuate because its hard to know when they will happen.

What is erosion?
a) a process of moving water, moving ice, or wind carrying away a part s a rock
b) the process of a part of a rock loosened usually by weather
c) a natural event that happens quickly such as a lightning striking a tree
d) when sediment or soil is dropped in a place

Weathering and erosion are effects. What can cause weathering and erosion?
a) lightning , fire, or a tree
b) moving water, moving ice, or wind
c) pieces or rock, sand, or dirt
d) toothpicks, eyedroppers, or straws

The Roots od a plant grow in the cracks of a sidewalk. As the root grows larger the cement begins to crack
a) weathering
b) deposition
c) erosion

A delta is formed at the mouth of a river.
a) weathering
b) deposition
c) erosion

Blowing sand comes to a rest forming a sand dune
a) weathering
b) deposition
c) erosion

Ice melts in the crack of a large boulder and carries away loose sediment
a) weathering
b) deposition
c) erosion

A _______________ is a large mass of slow moving ices that flows down a slope.
a) glacier
b) canyons
c) deltas
d) sand dunes

Moving water can cause ________ to form.
a) glaciers
b) canyons
c) deltas
d) sand dunes

________ are large masses of deposited sediments at the mouth of a river.
a) glacier
b) canyons
c) deltas
d) sand dunes

Large piles of sand along the coastlines are called ____________-
a) glacier
b) canyons
c) deltas
d) sand dunes

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