Inference Reading Test Question Preview (ID: 44546)

ACT Reading Prep Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Even spiders that do not build webs from silk use it for a variety of purposes, such as constructing egg sacs and nursery tents.
a) All spiders build webs.
b) Spiders that build webs don't build egg sacs or nursery tents.
c) Silk is used by all spiders.
d) Spiders use silk only to build egg sacs and nursery tents.

Illegible handwriting does not indicate weakness of character, as even a quick glance at the penmanship of George Washington, Franklin D. Roosevelt, or John F. Kennedy reveals.
a) Washington, Roosevelt, and Kennedy all had handwriting that was difficult to read.
b) A person's handwriting reveals a lot about that person.
c) The author believes that Washington, Roosevelt, and Kennedy all had weak characters.
d) Good handwriting indicates a person has excellent character traits.

Students who watch more than 10 hours of tv a week perform more poorly on standardized tests than those who do not.
a) Watching tv is bad for your health.
b) Parents should limit how much tv their children watch if they want to improve their test scores.
c) Students who watch less tv are smarter than those who watch more.
d) Smart kids watch more tv than anyone else.

Doctors recommend eating more fresh fruits and vegetables for people who want to limit the amount of processed foods in their diets get healthy.
a) Eating fresh fruits is preferable to eating fresh vegetables.
b) Limiting processed foods is good for your health.
c) Processed foods has no effect on your health.
d) Doctors eat less processed foods than other people.

Although sheepherding is an older and more beloved occupation, shepherds never caught the attention of American filmmakers the way cowboys did.
a) There have been more American films about cowboys than about shepherds.
b) Films about shepherds were popular before films about cowboys.
c) Cowboys are generally younger than shepherds.
d) Shepherds are angry that there are not more movies about their profession.

As an architect, Thomas Jefferson preferred the Roman style, as seen in the buildings of the University of Virginia, to the English style favored by Charles Bullfinch.
a) The architecture of the University of Virginia was influenced by the Roman style.
b) Bullfinch was an English architect.
c) Jefferson preferred to build in the English style of architecture.
d) Jefferson designed all of his buildings in the Roman style.

In all cultures, gestures are used as a form of communication, but the same gestures may have very different meanings in different cultures.
a) No two cultures use the same gestures.
b) One gesture will never have the same meaning in two cultures.
c) A person from one culture may misunderstand the gestures used by a person from another culture.
d) It is impossible to know what a gesture means in any given culture.

Blood cholesterol used to be thought of as a problem only for adults.
a) Blood cholesterol is no longer a problem for adults.
b) Only children have a problem with blood cholesterol.
c) Blood cholesterol affects both adults and children.
d) Adults have many problems other than blood cholesterol.

When apple growers talk about new varieties of apples, they don't mean something developed last month, last year, or even in the last decade.
a) Apple growers haven't developed any new varieties in recent decades.
b) Some varieties of apples can be developed in a short time, but others take a long time.
c) New varieties of apples take many years to develop.
d) No new varieties of apples have been developed for at least a hundred years.

There is more quartz in the world than any one kind of feldspar, but the feldspars as a group are five times more common than quartz.
a) One type of quartz is five times more plentiful than feldspar.
b) Quartz is less common than the feldspars.
c) The most common type of feldspar is as plentiful as quartz.
d) Quartz is the most common type of feldspar.

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