P.E. Question Preview (ID: 44515)

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How many minuites is a badge worth ?
a) 20
b) 10
c) 10 min
d) 15

What does the red arrow pointing up indicate ?
a) Bring heart rate up
b) Bring heart rate down
c) Bring heart rate to a stop
d) die

The blue or gray color means the heart rate is bellow ...........
a) 180
b) 160
c) 140
d) 140 beats per min

The maximum heart rate for a middle school student is ..........
a) 200 beats per min
b) 100
c) 200
d) 400

60 percent of the maximum heart rate is..........
a) 120 beats per min
b) 140
c) 120
d) 150

What does the green checkmark indicate ?
a) You are in danger
b) You will die
c) Your are in the target heart rate zone or higher
d) You are below the heart rate zone

the target heart rate zone is ..........
a) 120 to 140 beats per min
b) 160 to 180
c) 140 to 180
d) 140 to 180 beats per min

What does the green checkmark indicate ?
a) You are in danger
b) You are below the heart rate zone
c) Your are in the target heart rate zone or higher
d) You will die

the target heart rate zone is ..........
a) 160 to 180
b) 140 to 180 beats per min
c) 140 to 180
d) 120 to 140 beats per min

How many minuites is a badge worth ?
a) 10
b) 20
c) 15
d) 10 min

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