MacBeth Matching - English IV Question Preview (ID: 44503)

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Who is Macbeth?
a) Duncan's son who never comes back to Scotland
b) survives murder attempts
c) first king of Scotland
d) kills Duncan to become king

Who is Malcolm?
a) Duncan's son who becomes king
b) attempts to kill Macbeth and dies
c) Macbeth's best friend
d) tells Macduff his family as killed by Macbeth

Who is Menteith?
a) says he can't help Lady Macbeth's sleepwalking
b) one of Macbeth's nobleman that betrays him
c) born from a c-section and kills Macbeth
d) Macbeth's residence once he becomes king

Who is Doctor?
a) nobleman that deserts Macbeth
b) kills Duncan to become king
c) says he can't help Lady Macbeth's sleepwalking
d) the gatekeeper

Who is Felance?
a) killed in front of his mother
b) survives murder attempt; never comes back into play
c) the gatekeeper
d) attempts to kill Macbeth and dies

Who is Inverness?
a) Macbeth's residence when he is Thane of Glamis
b) Macbeth's final officer
c) leader of the English
d) survives murder attempt

Who is Lady MacBeth?
a) believes her husband is a traitor
b) calls her husband not a man more than once
c) the gatekeeper
d) attempts to kill Macbeth

Who is Donalbain?
a) moves against Macbeth
b) kills Duncan and becomes king
c) Duncan's son who becomes king
d) Duncan's son who never comes back to Scotland

Who is Siward?
a) the gatekeeper
b) leader of the English
c) Macbeth's final officer
d) killed in front of his mother

Who is Porter?
a) the gatekeeper
b) attempts to kill Macbeth and dies
c) Macbeth's best friend and his second murder victim
d) one of Macbeth's nobleman

Who is Ross?
a) tells Macduff that his family was killed by Macbeth
b) tells Macduff that his family was killed by Banquo
c) leader of the English
d) kills Duncan to become king

Who is Birnam Wood?
a) born from a c-section and kills Macbeth
b) moves against Macbeth; proves an apparition correct
c) decides to use Macbeth's overconfidence against him
d) leader of the English

Who is Duncan?
a) first king of Scotland
b) one of Macbeth's nobleman that betray him
c) leader of the English
d) decides to use Macbeth's overconfidence against him

Who is Macduff?
a) kills Duncan to become king
b) Duncan's son who becomes king
c) born from a c-section and kills Macbeth
d) kills Duncan

Who is the Young Siward?
a) attempts to kill Macbeth and dies
b) attempts to kill Duncan and dies
c) attempts to kill Macduff and dies
d) attempts to kill Banquo and dies

Who is Lady Macduff?
a) calls her husband not a man more than once
b) Macbeth's best friend
c) killed in front of her mother
d) believes her husband is a traitor

Who is Dunsinane?
a) Macbeth's residence once he becomes king
b) Duncan's son who becomes king
c) one of Macbeth's nobleman that betrays him
d) first king of Scotland

Who is Banquo?
a) the gatekeeper
b) told Macbeth ideas that made Macbeth overconfident
c) kills Duncan and becomes king
d) Macbeths' best friend and his second murder victim

Who is Lennox?
a) Duncan's son who becomes king
b) says he can't help Lady Macbeth's sleepwalking
c) nobleman that deserts Macbeth; was with Macduff when Duncan was found dead
d) one of Macbeth's nobleman that betrays him

Who is Seyton?
a) Macbeth's final officer
b) killed in front of his mother
c) leader of the English
d) nobleman that deserts Macbeth; was with Macduff when Duncan is found dead

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