Career 1.03 Question Preview (ID: 44485)

Career 1.03. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Frances as been on the student council for two years. She enjoys talking with classmates about school issues. These are examples of which type of skills?
a) Mental
b) Physical
c) Social
d) Spatial

Julius likes making CD’s, listening to his Ipod, and playing video games. These are all examples of which type of transferable skill?
a) Adaptability
b) Communication
c) Decision-Making
d) Technology

John likes to participate in physical activity after school. Which activities would match his personal skill?
a) Riding a bike, reading, and dancing
b) Journal writing, computer games, and video games
c) Reading a book, jogging, and coooking
d) Reading, shopping online, and Facebooking

Myron answers the telephone at the local animal shelter and takes messages. What transferable skill is he demonstrating? Adaptability
a) Adaptability
b) Decision-Making
c) Communication
d) Teamwork

Justice sits in math class calculating math problems and recording answers. Which skill is he using?
a) Mental
b) Physical
c) Social
d) Spatial

Ben chose to complete his homework before baseball practice. This is an example of which transferable skill?
a) Communication
b) Technology
c) Teamwork
d) Decision-Making

When a student pays attention to instructions and responds to questions they ate demonstrating transferable skills in what category?
a) Decision-Making
b) Adaptability
c) Technology
d) Listening

Which is an example of an organizing and planning skill?
a) Registering for classes for the upcoming school year
b) Playing an instrument in the band
c) Reading stories to a child
d) Sleeping late on the weekends

Cooperating,sharing ideas, and working with a group are examples of which type of transferable skills?
a) Adaptability
b) Organizing and Planning
c) Teamwork
d) Technology

Choosing classes to take, choosing what to wear, and choosing friends are all transferable skills in what category?
a) Adaptability
b) Decision-Making
c) Listening
d) Technology

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