Civics Unit 3 Test Review Question Preview (ID: 44476)

Civics Review For Unit 3. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The type of propaganda that tries to associate a patriotic symbol with the candidate, usually an American Flag
a) The Bandwagon
b) Just Plain Folks
c) Transfer
d) Glittering Generality

The media is free from censorship of material before it is published meaning it is free from
a) Malice
b) Libel
c) Freedom of the Press
d) Prior Restraint

Type of propaganda that only shows the good about yourself and the bad about your opponent
a) Just Plain Folks
b) Endorsement
c) Name-Calling
d) Stacked Cards

Which type of Interest Group focuses on a narrow topic such as drunk driving.
a) Single-Issues Groups
b) Professional Groups
c) Public Groups
d) Ideological Groups

In an open primary, who can vote for Democrat presidential candidate?
a) Registered Republicans
b) Registered Democrats
c) Any registered voter
d) Unaffiliated voters

In terms of government, Democrats are generally more
a) Hands off
b) Hands on
c) Laissez Faire
d) Indifferent

How many electoral votes are there total to get?
a) 270
b) 538
c) 575
d) 275

A politician who is in office and is re-running
a) Challenger
b) President
c) Incumbent
d) Senator

A way for citizens to vote to approve or reject a state or local law
a) Proposition
b) Initiative
c) Referendum
d) Recall

The biggest reason why some people do not vote
a) Apathy
b) They feel no candidate represents their values
c) They feel all the candidates are good choices
d) They do not trust any of the candidates

The Republican party is considered to be more
a) Liberal
b) Conservative
c) Left leaning
d) Moderate

Citizens who cannot get to the polls on Election Day can still vote via
a) Butterfly Ballot
b) Exit Poll
c) Public Opinion Poll
d) Absentee Ballot

Which of the following is NOT a requirement to vote in the US?
a) Must be 18 years old
b) Must be a US citizen
c) Must be born in the US
d) Must be a resident of your community

Which person would be the MOST likely to vote on Election Day?
a) An 18 year old who does not care about politics
b) A 16 year old who watches the news everyday and always keeps up with the work of politicians
c) A 65 year old who has retired with millions in his bank account
d) A 35 year old homeless man who never finished high school

What is the most important element of a campaign?
a) Time
b) Money
c) Propaganda
d) Voters

Which choice best describes voter turnout in the United States?
a) The United States has the best voter turnout of all developed nations
b) The United States has one of the best voter turnouts of all developed nations
c) The United States voter turnout is among the worst of all developed nations
d) The United States is around the middle of developed nations in terms of voter turnout

This party is generally considered pro-choice
a) Democrat
b) Republican
c) Green
d) Libertarian

This party generally favors a stronger military
a) Republican
b) Democrat
c) Green
d) Army

Which is an example of a third party?
a) Libertarian
b) Democrat
c) House
d) Republican

Which Amendment granted women's suffrage?
a) 19th
b) 21st
c) 18th
d) 20th

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