Holocaust Studies Test #3 REVIEW Question Preview (ID: 44475)

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Which of the following statements is true about Nazi camps and ghettos?
a) there were a total of 500 camps and ghettos
b) all the camps were built between 1943 and 1944
c) there were over 40,000 camps and ghettos
d) all the camps were built between 1933 and 1938

What kind of camp were Westerbork and Drancy?
a) transit camps
b) forced labor camps
c) killing centers
d) prisoner of war camp

What happened at the Wannsee Conference?
a) Nazis decided to build killing centers
b) Hitler was arrested
c) Germany made the decision to invade the Soviet Union
d) World War II ended

What kind of camp was Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Chelmno?
a) transit camps
b) prisoner of war camp
c) forced labor camp
d) killing center

Why were Nazi killing centers located in Poland?
a) It was difficult to get to Poland, so the camps were easier to hide
b) Poland had the largest Jewish population in Europe
c) Poland had low population, so there was plenty of room to build camps
d) The Polish government asked that the camps be built there

What happened to Jewish communities when the Nazis invaded the Soviet Union in the summer of 1941?
a) ghettos were established in each community
b) they joined the Soviet army to fight the Nazis
c) entire communities were murdered by mobile killing units
d) they were forced to move to Germany

What Nazi group was put in charge of concentration camps?
a) Hitler Youth
b) Brown Shirts
c) The SS
d) The Gestapo

What was the very first Nazi concentration camp opened in March of 1933?
a) Drancy
b) Mauthausen
c) Auschwitz
d) Dachau

What caused the high death rate in Jewish ghettos?
a) new, more deadly, weapons were used by the Nazis
b) air pollution
c) starvation and diseases were common
d) Jews were killed in ghetto gas chambers

Why did Nazis establish ghettos?
a) to provide a better life for Jewish children
b) to isolate Jews and cut them off from others
c) to protect Jews from the Russians
d) to make sure Jewish people were treated equally

In Jewish ghettos, what group was in charge of making sure that German policies were carried out?
a) Judenrat
b) SS
c) Brown Shirts
d) Smugglers

What did the residents of the Warsaw Ghetto do in January of 1943?
a) burned down the ghetto
b) relocated to a concentration camp
c) hold elections
d) start an uprising

What is a language that was commonly used by Jews in Poland and in other parts of Eastern Europe?
a) Yiddish
b) English
c) French
d) German

What term did the Nazis use for their plan to commit mass murder of the Jewish people in Europe?
a) Shoah
b) Final Solution
c) Holocaust
d) Genocide

How did the Jewish population of Poland change as a result of the Holocaust?
a) 100,000 Jews lived in Poland before the war; 3 million Jews lived in Poland after the war.
b) 1 million Jews lived in Poland before the war; 300,000 Jews lived in Poland after the war.
c) 3 million Jews lived in Poland before the war; 100,000 Jews lived in Poland after the war.
d) The Holocaust had no impact on the number of Jews in Poland.

When was the Warsaw Ghetto established by the Nazis?
a) September 1939
b) November 1940
c) December 1941
d) April 1945

Which of the following terms is used for a person that is not Jewish?
a) Gentile
b) Nazi
c) Scapegoat
d) German

What term is used for a section of a city in which Jews were confined and restricted to live behind fences?
a) Synagogue
b) Concentration Camp
c) Killing Center
d) Ghetto

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