Unit 10 Protestant Reformation Part 1 Question Preview (ID: 44455)

Unit 10 Protestant Reformation Part 1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Where did the Protestant Reformation begin?
a) Italy
b) France
c) Spain
d) Germany

The process of being deemed worthy of salvation by God is ______________________________.
a) Indulgence
b) Lutheranism
c) Predestination
d) Justification

Which of the following BEST describes the Protestant Reformation?
a) The improvement of the Catholic Church throughout Europe
b) The development of new sects of Christianity as a result of corruption and disagreement with the Catholic Church
c) A rebirth of art and culture inspired largely by the Greeks and Romans
d) A time when more people started to venture out and explore the new world for a variety of reasons

The religious doctrine that Martin Luther developed; it differed from Catholicism in the doctrine of salvation, which Luther believed could be achieved by faith alone, not by good works is known as ______________________________________.
a) Justification
b) Lutheranism
c) Salvation
d) Ghetto

The belief that God has determined in advance who will by saved and who will be damned is ____________________________.
a) Justification
b) Predestination
c) Salvation
d) Lutheranism

A movement that developed in Northern Europe during the Renaissance combining classical learning with the goal of reforming the Catholic Church was __________________________.
a) Lutheranism
b) Salvation
c) Ghetto
d) Christian Humanism

______________________ means to declare invalid.
a) Ghetto
b) Justification
c) Salvation
d) Annul

A _______________________________ was a district in a city in which Jews were required to live.
a) Ghetto
b) Christian Humanism
c) Indulgence
d) Lutheranism

A release from all or part of punishment for sin by the Catholic Church, reducing time in purgatory after death is an ________________________.
a) Indulgence
b) Salvation
c) Justification
d) Christian Humanism

______________________________ is the state of being saved or going to heaven through faith alone or through faith and good works.
a) Indulgence
b) Salvation
c) Justification
d) Predestination

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