Plate Tectonics Question Preview (ID: 44418)

Plate Tectonics. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What piece of evidence did Alfred Wegener use to support Continental Drift?
a) Movement on the Seafloor
b) Different landforms
c) Fossils

How many posters are in Mrs. Hurst's classroom?
a) 10-15
b) 20
c) 35
d) Over 40

What occurs on a Transform boundary?
a) Rift Valleys
b) Volcanoes
c) Mountains
d) Earthquakes

What are convection currents?
a) Hot rock rises and cool rock sinks in a circular motion in the mantle
b) Movement of sunlight
c) Cold rock rises and hot rock sinks in the mantle
d) Movement in the lithopshere

Who proposed the idea of Pangaea and Continental Drift?
a) Drake
b) Galileo
c) Alfred Wegener
d) Harold Hess

What is subduction?
a) When aliens abduct humans
b) When tectonic plates divide
c) When tectonic plates collide at the same speed
d) When one tectonic plate slides under another on a convergent boundary

What causes an earthquake to occur?
a) When two tectonic plates collide
b) When two tectonic plates slide past one another
c) When two tectonic plates move apart

How is a mid ocean ridge similar to a volcano
a) Both are underwater
b) Both form from magma
c) Both are mountains
d) They are not similar

How does a mid ocean ridge form?
a) Two oceanic plates collide
b) Magma comes out of a divergent boundary and cools, pushing crust apart
c) Earthquakes
d) When two continental plates collide

What is continental drift?
a) The idea that tectonic plates move very fast
b) The idea that the continents do not move
c) The idea that all the continents were once connected and have drifted apart
d) The idea that Pangaea still exists today

What forms when an oceanic and continental plate collide?
a) Trenches and Coastal Mountains
b) Volcanic Islands
c) Mountains
d) Rift Valley

What forms when oceanic plates collide?
a) Mid Ocean Ridge
b) Volcanic Islands, trenches, coastal mountains
c) Mt. Everest
d) Earthquakes

Do geographical landforms form in the middle or on a boundary of a tectonic plate?
a) Middle of a tectonic plate
b) On the boundary between two tectonic plates

What forms when two tectonic plates separate?
a) Earthquakes
b) Coastal Mountains
c) Mid Ocean Ridge, Rift Valley
d) Volcanic Islands

How do tectonic plates move on a Convergent boundary?
a) Collide together
b) Move apart
c) Slide Past
d) Diverge

How do tectonic plates move on a transform boundary?
a) Converge
b) Move apart
c) Slide past
d) Collide

What forms when two continental plates collide?
a) Mountains
b) Trenches
c) Earthquakes
d) Mid Ocean Ridge

How do tectonic plates move on a divergent boundary?
a) Collide
b) Slide Past
c) Move Apart
d) Converge

What are tectonic plates made of?
a) Oceanic and Continental Crust
b) Magma and Lava
c) Basalt and Silica
d) Asthenosphere and Lithosphere

Where is Batman from?
a) Chicago
b) Gotham City
c) Garden City
d) New York City

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