Chapter 12, Section 3 Question Preview (ID: 444)

Plants With Seed. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Flowing plants, such as apple trees and daisies, ___.
a) use osmosis for nutrient transport
b) have independent gametophyte forms
c) are classified as angiosperms
d) need water for delivery of sperm to eggs

A seed is made up of
a) xylem and phloem.
b) chlorophyll, a cell wall, and a cuticle
c) stamens, pistils, sepals, and petals.
d) a sporophyte (tiny plant), stored food, and a tough seed coat.

Sunflowers, peanuts, and peas are all examples of
a) monocots.
b) nonvascular plants.
c) gymnosperms.
d) dicots.

Dicots always have two
a) cuticles.
b) anthers.
c) petals.
d) cotyledons.

Cycads, conifers, gnetophytes, and ginkgoes are
a) seedless plants.
b) flowering plants.
c) angiosperms.
d) gymnosperms.

___ provide animals and humans with the food they need to survive.
a) Angiosperms
b) Nonvascular plants
c) Gymnsperms
d) Seedless vascular plants

Monocots have
a) two cotyledons in the seed.
b) None of the answers
c) flower parts in fours or fives
d) one cotyledon in the seed.

All angiosperms produce which of the following structures?
a) zhizoids and rhizomes.
b) flowers and fruits.
c) sporophyte.
d) seeds in cones.

Which group of gymnosperms consists of evergreens with needle-shapes leaves?
a) cycads
b) gnetophytes
c) ginkgoes
d) conifers

Pine tree resin is used to produce
a) paint.
b) syrup.
c) mulch.
d) paper.

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