Chemistry Mini Unit Part 2 Question Preview (ID: 44285)
Periodic Table Of The Elements
Chemical Reactions.
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Lithium has an atomic number of
a) 3
b) 7
c) 4
d) 11
Pick the example of a molecule of a compound
a) O
b) O2
c) H2O
d) H2
The number of electrons in an silver atom are
a) 47
b) 108
c) 61
d) 48
The symbol for potassium is
a) P
b) Na
c) K
d) Po
Pick the example of a molecule of an element
a) CO2
b) C2
c) C
d) O
A sign of a chemical reaction is
a) paint the object
b) rip the object in two
c) object gives of bubbles
d) put the object near the window
An example of a chemical formula is
a) color change
b) C6H12O6
c) C
d) temperature changes
The subatomic particle that circles the nucleus is
a) neutrons
b) protons
c) nucleus
d) electrons
The number of neutrons in a fluorine atom are
a) 9
b) 19
c) 10
d) 28
The atomic mass (weight) for titanium is
a) 22
b) 23
c) 48
d) 56
The number of neutrons in a hydrogen atom are
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 0
An example of a physical change is
a) temperature change
b) explosion
c) painted green
d) precipitate forms
What is the symbol for chlorine
a) C
b) Ch
c) Cl
d) Ce
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