Greek Test Question Preview (ID: 44235)

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Which man wrote the history of Greece?
a) Herodotus
b) Sophocles
c) Cleisthenes
d) Alexander

Which man started a school for medicine and was one of the first doctors?
a) Herodotus
b) Socrates
c) Hippocrates
d) Alexander

Who started dramas or plays in Greece?
a) Herodotus
b) Sophocles
c) Hippocrates
d) Solon

Which battle did Athens defeat the Persians in a naval battle?
a) Salamis
b) Thermopylae
c) Marathon

Which battle did the Spartans force the Persians through a mountain pass?
a) Salamis
b) Thermopylae
c) Marathon

Which battle did the Athenians attack the Persians while they were loading up their horses?
a) Salamis
b) Thermopylae
c) Marathon

What two city states fought in the Peloponesian War?
a) Thesalonika and Athens
b) Athens and Spain
c) Athens and Sparta
d) Minoans and Sparta

Which is NOT a reason that Sparta was afraid of Athens?
a) Athens was getting Rich
b) Athens was building an amazing navy
c) Athens was expanding
d) Athens had the strongest Army in the world

How old was a spartan boy when they went to war?
a) 12
b) 2
c) 7
d) 21

Which city state did boys receive an education in math and science?
a) Thesalonika
b) Alexandria
c) Sparta
d) Athens

Who wrote the Republic?
a) Socrates
b) Plato
c) Aristotle
d) Pericles

What is it called when you start a new civilization in a place that never had a civilization?
a) Peninsula
b) Polytheism
c) Polis
d) Colony

Which city state had the best navy?
a) Thebes
b) Sparta
c) Ephesus
d) Athens

What Empire was first out of these four?
a) Assyria
b) Rome
c) Greece
d) Persia

What Empire conquered the Assyrians?
a) Greece
b) Persia
c) Chaldeans
d) Rome

Who conquered the world and spread Greek Culture?
a) Cleisthenese
b) Solon
c) Alexander the Great
d) Mr. Carlson

Who thought the country should be ran philosophers?
a) Herodotus
b) Plato
c) Aristotle
d) Socrates

Who was Alexander's father?
a) Phillip
b) Mr. Carlson
c) Homer
d) Darth Vader

Who wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey?
a) Mr. Carlson
b) Sopholcles
c) Homer
d) Alek Woodward

Which kind of government has a king or a Tyrant?
a) Democracy
b) Oligarchy
c) Monarchy

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