Earth's Surface, Systems, And Resources (Part 2) Question Preview (ID: 44180)

Unit 2 Summative Assessment Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which type of force is at work at transform boundaries?
a) compression
b) tension
c) shear
d) None of These

Which type of force is at work at divergent boundaries?
a) compression
b) tension
c) shear
d) friction

Which type of force is at work at convergent boundaries?
a) compression
b) tension
c) shear
d) traction

A __________________ boundary is where two plates slide horizontally past each other.
a) divergent
b) transform
c) convergent
d) tectonic

The area where one higher density plate slides under a lower density plate back into the mantle of the Earth is called a _________________.
a) lithification zone
b) convergent zone
c) subduction zone
d) metamorphic zone

Which of the following plate boundaries are most commonly associated with volcanic activity and occasional earthquakes?
a) divergent boundaries
b) convergent boundaries
c) transform boundaries
d) tectonic boundaries

Which of the following types of crust and boundary are associated with mountain building, such as the Himalaya Mountains in Asia?
a) Continental/Oceanic Crust at transform boundaries
b) Continental/Oceanic Crust at divergent boundaries
c) Continental/Continental Crust at convergent boundaries
d) Continental/Continental Crust at transform boundaries

Which type of plate boundary is responsible for creating new crust material?
a) divergent
b) convergent
c) transform
d) subduction

A __________________ boundary is where two plates move toward each other.
a) divergent
b) transform
c) convergent
d) tectonic

Which type of plate boundary is responsible for the most violent earthquakes?
a) divergent
b) convergent
c) transform
d) tectonic

A __________________ boundary is where two plates move away from each other.
a) divergent
b) transform
c) convergent
d) tectonic

__________________ are natural resources that are being used up faster than they can be replaced by natural processes.
a) inexhaustible resources
b) nonrenewable resources
c) renewable resources
d) None of these

_________________ are resources that can be replenished by natural processes at least as quickly as they are used.
a) inexhaustible resources
b) nonrenewable resources
c) renewable resources
d) None of these

_______________ are natural resources that will not run out, no matter how much people use it.
a) inexhaustible resources
b) renewable resources
c) nonrenewable resources
d) None of these

Sunlight and wind are examples of __________________ resources.
a) inexhaustible
b) renewable
c) nonrenewable
d) carbon-based

Trees and chickens are examples of ________________ resources.
a) inexhaustible
b) renewable
c) nonrenewable
d) None of these

Fossil fuels and minerals are examples of ______________________ resources.
a) inexhaustible
b) renewable
c) nonrenewable
d) None of These

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