Soil And Soil Conservation Question Preview (ID: 44174)

Review Of How Soil Is Formed And Ways It Can Be Conserved. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Brady digs a small hole in the soil and the next day it rains. Brady observes the hole has filled with water, but does not empty even after several sunny days. How can this be explained?
a) the soil was mostly clay
b) the soil was mostly sand
c) the soil was mostly humus
d) the soil was mostly loam

When plants, animals, and other organisms die, they beak down and become part of the soil. This part of the soil is called
a) loam
b) sand
c) silt
d) humus

Which of the following best describes soil erosion?
a) breakdown of soil
b) the improvement of soil
c) the addition of soil
d) the movement of soil by wind or water

What is the role of decomposers in soil?
a) store moisture
b) burrow deep in the soil
c) make space for air and water
d) break down and digest dead organisms

Brock grabs a topsoil sample in his hand. He rolls it into a ball. The soil feels gritty and the ball falls apart. What part of the topsoil most likely made it feel gritty?
a) clay
b) sand
c) silt
d) humus

Soil is important because it provides
a) housing for animals
b) nutrients for plants
c) storage for water
d) all listed

Rose writes a list of materials that make up soil, but she cannot remember the last material to finish the list. Her list is: 1-air 2-rock pieces, 3-minerals, 4-organic matter, 5-?. What is the material that would best complete her list?
a) pH
b) water
c) shells
d) bedrock

Soil is composed mainly of which ingredients?
a) water, air, sand, mud, shells
b) worms, minerals, shells, air, rock pieces
c) air, rock pieces, decayed organic matter, water, minerals
d) rock pieces, mud, decayed organic matter, minerals

Why is humus an important part of soil?
a) It contains nutrients, which feed plants
b) It contains rocks, which strengthen the soil
c) it contains chemicals, which fight disease
d) it provides nutrients for decomposers

Humus is mainly made up of
a) sand and silt
b) rocks
c) remains of plants and animals
d) water

Which geologic process is most responsible for soil formation?
a) erosion
b) weathering
c) cementation
d) sedimentation

The Dust Bowl of the 1930s was a result of poor farming practices and
a) severe drought followed by rain
b) severe drought followed by plowing the land
c) severe drought followed by strong winds
d) the severe drying and plowing of the land followed by torrential flooding

The layer of soil with the most humus is
a) subsoil
b) topsoil
c) C horizon
d) O horizon

Why is it easy for the wind and rain to erode the soil after a farmer has removed the plants from his fields?
a) the soil will be loosely packed and rain can soak into the soil
b) the soil will pack tightly together and wind can blow it away
c) there will be no roots to hold the soil in place and the wind can blow it away
d) tractor tires will hold water and wind can blow the water out of the tire tracks

Strip mining , removal of soil and rock above a seam of mining material such as coal followed by the removal of the exposed mining material...
a) prevents erosion
b) removes soil from the Earth's surface
c) adds soil to Earth's surface
d) does not disturb the soil at Earth's surface

When farmers plow along the curve of the land
a) conservation plowing
b) terracing
c) contour plowing
d) no-till farming

Why do plants not grow well in sandy soil?
a) sandy soil has too many nutrients
b) sandy soil cannot hold enough water
c) roots cannot push through sandy soil
d) air cannot pass through sandy soil

A sloping piece of land that has had flat areas like steps built on it so that people can grow crops there
a) conservation plowing
b) contour plowing
c) no-till farming
d) terracing

A soil profile is divided into sections called
a) layers
b) horizons
c) strata
d) bands

Which layer of soil is responsible for the formation of all the other layers?
a) topsoil
b) subsoil
c) bedrock
d) litter

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