Industrial Revolution Question Preview (ID: 44140)

Industrial Revolution Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

In The Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels expressed the idea that
a) religion should be the most important factor in society
b) power should be determined by a person’s wealth
c) profits from work should belong to the workers
d) supply and demand should control prices

A long-term result of the Industrial Revolution in Europe was
a) an increase in the number of small farms
b) a decline in international trade
c) a general rise in the standard of living
d) a strengthening of the economic power of the nobility

An important result of the Industrial Revolution in 19th-century western Europe was that
a) the gap between the wealthy and the poor decreased
b) urbanization increased rapidly
c) the supply of unskilled labor decreased
d) migration to rural areas increased

What was a result of the Industrial Revolution in Europe?
a) the growth of the middle class
b) an increase in nomadic herding
c) a decline in urban population
d) a decrease in international trade

Which written work criticized the capitalist system during the Industrial Revolution?
a) Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
b) “White Man’s Burden” by Rudyard Kipling
c) The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith
d) The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin

Which geographic feature most aided England during the Industrial Revolution?
a) desert climate
b) natural harbors
c) mountainous terrain
d) monsoon winds

During the Industrial Revolution, which development resulted from the other three?
a) Factory conditions affected people’s health.
b) Labor unions were formed.
c) Unskilled laborers received low wages.
d) Machinery replaced workers.

In the early 18th century, the Agricultural Revolution in Great Britain resulted in urbanization because
a) enslaved persons replaced free laborers on farms
b) factory work strengthened extended families
c) displaced rural workers migrated to find jobs
d) the middle class decreased in size

Transportation in the 1800s was revolutionized by the development of the
a) caravel
b) astrolabe
c) airplane
d) steam engine

What was one reason the Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain?
a) The government of Great Britain implemented a series of five-year plans.
b) Great Britain had alliances with most European countries.
c) Abundant natural resources were available in Great Britain.
d) The practice of serfdom in Great Britain provided an abundance of laborers.

Which traits characterize a laissez-faire capitalist economic system?
a) slash-and-burn agriculture and animal powered technology
b) central planning and government quotas
c) private property and profit incentive
d) national health care and social security

Which economic enterprise would Adam Smith most favor?
a) privately owned factory in France
b) government-run railroad in Africa
c) medieval manor in Europe
d) commune in Communist China

Commodore Matthew Perry is best known for taking which action?
a) leading the British East India Company
b) rescuing Europeans during the Boxer Rebellion
c) justifying European spheres of influence in China
d) opening Japan to American and European influences

Which action in Japanese history occurred during the Meiji Restoration?
a) Japan modernized its economy.
b) Mongols invaded the islands of Japan.
c) The Japanese government adopted an isolationist policy.
d) Buddhism became the official religion of Japan.

Which action taken by the Meiji government encouraged industrialization in 19th-century Japan?
a) building a modern transportation system
b) limiting the number of ports open to foreign trade
c) forcing families to settle on collective farms
d) establishing a system of trade guilds

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