DIgestive System Review Question Preview (ID: 44139)

Medical Terminology Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What type of doctor specializes in the digestive system?
a) stomachologist
b) urologist
c) endocrinologist
d) gastroenterologist

What is secreted by the stomach to help digest proteins?
a) bile
b) acid
c) insulin
d) lipase

What is a colonoscopy?
a) a small bag attached to the abdomen
b) a procedure used to see the inside of the large intestine
c) a procedure used to see inside the esophagus
d) surgery to reduce the size of the stomach

What does the prefix dys- mean?
a) inflammation
b) pertaining tp
c) pain
d) flow

If a person has GERD, what symptoms would they have?
a) diarrhea
b) constipation
c) heartburn
d) chronic backaches

Which organ secretes enzymes and has a major role in diabetes?
a) stomach
b) gallbladder
c) pancreas
d) anus

What happens in the large intestine?
a) the majority of nutrients are absorbed
b) water is reabsorbed
c) bile is secreted
d) blood sugar is controlled

Which is first, the small intestine or the large intestine?
a) small intestine
b) large intestine

Where does digestion begin?
a) mouth
b) esophagus
c) stomach
d) small intestine

What does the prefix gastro- mean?
a) intestine
b) colon
c) stomach
d) esophagus

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