Criminal Justice Question Preview (ID: 44137)

Quiz In Unit 7 Criminal Justice System. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Taking something of value from another person by using violence or force is,
a) larceny
b) robbery
c) burglary
d) white collar

Stealing money trusted to one's care is
a) fraud
b) embezzlement
c) larceny
d) arson

Which is an example of a victimless crime?
a) fraud
b) gambling
c) larceny
d) arson

Which is NOT a cause of crime?
a) poverty
b) neglect
c) drugs
d) education

Which of the following would be associated with a felony?
a) probation
b) speeding ticket
c) five years in prison
d) less than one year in jail

Which type of case would an individual be tried in who is accused of robbery?
a) criminal case
b) civil case
c) capital case
d) domestic case

Mark is headed to trial over the disagreement he has with his neighbor over the mailbox she backed into with her car. Which type of case is Mark a party in?
a) criminal case
b) civil case
c) public law
d) equity

What are local laws known as?
a) equity
b) administrative law
c) precedent
d) ordinances

Which type of laws are based on judges decisions made in court?
a) common law
b) statutory law
c) administrative law
d) equity

Which type of laws are passed by lawmaking bodies such as Congress or the General Assembly?
a) common law
b) statutory law
c) administrative law
d) equity

The most important source of all laws is the,
a) Judicial Branch
b) Supreme Court
c) U.S. Constitution
d) Congress

The American legal system today is closely related to which laws?
a) Justinian Code
b) U.S. Constitution
c) Draconian Law
d) Ten Commandments

Taking someone's property or money by lying to them is,
a) fraud
b) embezzlement
c) larceny
d) arson

Taking anything of value that belongs to another person without force or violence is,
a) robbery
b) larceny
c) burglary
d) white collar

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