Grade 8 Week Seven Review Question Preview (ID: 44109)

Reading Comprehension And Aztecs Beginning Of Unit. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What reading comprehension strategy has you create a video in your head while reading?
a) visualization
b) questioning
c) synthesis
d) inference

what type of connection would it be if you read a book and it made you think of your favorite tv show?
a) text to text
b) text to self
c) text to tv
d) text to world

What would be an example of text to world?
a) reading something and thinking about something we learned in current events
b) reading something and thinking of the character in the book you are reading
c) reading something and thinking about something that happened to your great aunt last year
d) reading something and creating a vivid picture in your head portraying the action

What reading comprehension strategy has you decipher clues the author has left to determine what has happened?
a) inference
b) synthesis
c) visualization
d) summarizing

What word describes the clans or social groups that people from Aztec lived in?
a) Calpolli
b) Aztecian Tribes
c) Causeways
d) Bloodlust

Lake Texcoco was:
a) the lake that the Aztecs moved to
b) the lake that the Aztecs moved from
c) where the Spanish beat the Aztecs
d) the lake that the blood of sacrifices were sent to

In order to reach the island, and to protect themselves from their enemies, the Aztecs:
a) built causeways
b) built a wall
c) the Aztecs had no enemies
d) built floating paths or floating bridges

You have been captured by an Aztec warrior. What will likely happen to you?
a) you will be sacrificed or turn into a slave
b) you will meet the emperor
c) you will become a free citizien
d) all of these answers are correct

Sacrifices were important:
a) to nourish gods with their blood
b) to scare off other tribes into listening to the Aztecs
c) to water crops with blood and attract animals to trap
d) to make the emperor happy

How could you tell if an Aztec person had high standing?
a) they wore fancy items and jewlery
b) they lived in the nice calpoli
c) they had access to the causeway
d) they practiced religion often

Why were there two educational systems in school?
a) to teach the lower class how to work, and the upper class how to read
b) boys and girls had to be separated
c) to keep slaves away from the fishermens children
d) there was only one educational system

If you went to Aztec court, and were found guilty, what was LEAST likely to happen?
a) you would go to jail
b) you would get killed
c) you would have a fine
d) you would be turned into a slave

What is a person who creates goods from products?
a) an artisan
b) a merchant
c) a supplier
d) Walmart

what is a person that trades goods and sells them called?
a) a merchant
b) a trader
c) a traveler
d) an artisan

what are the roles of the emperor?
a) all of these answers are correct
b) he is the head of the church
c) he is the head of the government
d) he is the head of the army

The most valuable item in Aztec society was:
a) feathers
b) chocolate
c) money
d) family and friends

In the Aztec hierarchy, which person would be the highest?
a) priests
b) artisans
c) merchants
d) women

In Aztec hierarchy, which person would be the lowest?
a) Artisans
b) The Emperor
c) Nobility
d) Priests

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