The Digestive System Question Preview (ID: 44101)

This Game Reviews That Basic Structure And Function Of The Digestive System. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which body system breaks down food to provide nutrients for your body?
a) the nervous system
c) the muscular system
d) the digestive system

What are some parts of your digestive system?
a) brain. spinal cord, nerves
b) heart, veins, arteries
c) teeth, esophagus, intestines

Which happens LAST?
a) The sandwich goes into your small intestine.
b) You eat a peanut butter sandwich.
c) The sandwich moves into your large intestine.
d) The sandwich goes down into your stomach.

What happens in the small intestine?
a) Food gets chewed and broken down.
c) Nutrients in the food get absorbed and put into your blood.
d) Food is mashed and broken down with acid.

What happens to food AFTER it gets broken down in the stomach?
a) It moves into the small intestine.
b) It moves into the esophagus.
c) It moves into the large intestine.

Where does digestion start?
a) in your esophagus
b) in your mouth
c) in your stomach

What part of your body removes water from your digested food?
a) small intestine
b) large intestine
c) esophagus

What part of your digestive system absorbs nutrients from food and then sends the nutrients into the blood?
a) small intestine
c) esophagus
d) stomach

What part of your digestive system breaks down food using acid?
b) stomach
c) large intestine
d) esophagus

What part of your digestive system carries food from your mouth to your stomach?
a) small intestine
c) small intestine
d) esophagus

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